Мэри Элизабет Брэддон

Список книг автора Мэри Элизабет Брэддон

    Verloren und Gefunden

    Мэри Элизабет Брэддон

    mehrbuch-Weltliteratur! eBooks, die nie in Vergessenheit geraten sollten.
    "Es war ein glühend heißer Tag im August. Die Sonne, die seit dem frühen Morgen am wolkenlosen Himmel stand, sendete ihre Flammenstrahlen nieder, bis das Pflaster der Straßen und Gassen in der großen Weltstadt dem milden Fußgänger unter den Füßen brannte. Wer hätte in einer solchen Zeit, wie diese, in London bleiben mögen, wenn er nicht durch die eiserne Hand der Verhältnisse zurückgehalten wurde. Wer hätte in dem ungeheuren Steinlabyrinth verweilen mögen, ausgenommen die Armen, die eine Niete in der Lotterie des Lebens gezogen, die den ewigen unveränderlichen Kampf um das tägliche Brot zu kämpfen haben?"

    Der gebrochene Schwur

    Мэри Элизабет Брэддон

    mehrbuch-Weltliteratur! eBooks, die nie in Vergessenheit geraten sollten.
    "Der rötliche Schein eines herbstlichen Sonnenunterganges beleuchtete die dunkeln Ginsterbüsche und die zittern den Spitzen des purpurnen Heidekrautes, welche den Gipfel eines Hügels in der Grafschaft Sussex zierten. In der Ferne mischte sich in die leisem klagenden Töne des Septemberwindes das wie ein Wehruf klingende Tosen des weiten Ozeans. Auf einem schmalen Fußpfad, der sich den Hügel hinauf wand, schritt eine Dame in Witwenkleidung auf und ab, ohne ihre Augen von dem glutroten Horizont und der purpurnen Linie des fernen Meeres abzuwenden."

    Wyllards wundersame Wege

    Мэри Элизабет Брэддон

    In einem abgelegenen Winkel von Cornwall stürzt eine junge Frau aus einem fahrenden Eisenbahnzug in den Tod. Unfall, Selbstmord oder Mord? Wer von den übrigen Fahrgästen weiß etwas? Bei der Untersuchung durch den Coroner Edward Heathcote macht sich Bothwell Grahame verdächtig, in den Heathcotes Schwester ­Hilda verliebt ist. Aber auch der Großgrundbesitzer Julian ­Wyllard, miit dessen Frau Dora der Coroner früher einmal verlobt war, bleibt undurchsichtig. Erste Ermittlungen führen zu keinem Ergebnis. Auf Bitten seiner Schwester entschließt sich Heathcote, Bothwells Unschuld zu beweisen und Hilda so die Eheschließung zu ermöglichen. Seine Nachforschungen führen ihn nach Frankreich und zu einem Verbrechen, das schon vor zehn Jahren begangen wurde. Aber auch Bothwell hat ein Geheimnis…
    In ihrem spannenden, 1885 erstmals erschienenen Roman Wyllards wundersame Wege konstruiert Mary ­Elizabeth Braddon eine raffinierte Handlung zwischen Verbrechen und Liebe in den gegensätzlichen Welten von viktorianischer Gesellschaft, französischer Bohème und Moderne.
    Die Autorin Mary Elizabeth Braddon (1835-1915) war im England des 19. Jahrhunderts eine der beliebtesten Schriftstellerinnen. In ihren über 80 Romanen unterhält sie den Leser immer wieder mit erfindungsreichen, fantasievollen Handlungen und lässt damit die viktorianische Gesellschaft auch für heutige Leser lebendig werden.

    Тайна леди Одли

    Мэри Элизабет Брэддон

    Студия «МедиаКнига» представляет аудиокнигу популярной английской писательницы Мэри Элизабет Брэддон – «Тайна леди Одли» Люси Грэхем медленно поднималась по лестнице в свою маленькую комнату. Она поставила тусклую свечу на комод и села на край белой кровати, такая же тихая и белая, как драпировки, висевшие вокруг нее. – Больше не будет зависимости, не будет тяжелой работы, не будет унижений, – прошептала она. – Все следы старой жизни исчезли – все нити к правде похоронены и забыты – за исключением этих, за исключением этих. Она не убирала руки с черной ленточки вокруг шеи. Она вытащила ее из-под платья и посмотрела на предмет, прикрепленный к ней. Это был не медальон, не миниатюра и не крестик: это было кольцо, завернутое в кусочек бумаги, желтой от времени и смятой от частых развертываний. Слушаем, лайкаем, активно комментируем! ) © & ℗ ООО «МедиаКнига», 2021

    Победа Элинор

    Мэри Элизабет Брэддон

    «Победа Элинор» – роман Мэри Элизабет Брендон, жанр зарубежная классика. Элинор, главная героиня романа поклялась отомстить человеку, повинному в смерти ее отца. Месть и любовь, все смешалось в жизни девушки. Первина Наталья / Сон © ИДДК

    The Trail of the Serpent (Detective Mystery)

    Мэри Элизабет Брэддон

    This eBook edition has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. The Trail of the Serpent concerns the schemes of the orphan Jabez North to acquire an aristocratic fortune, and the efforts of Richard Marwood, aided by his friends, to prove his innocence in the murder of his uncle. Richard returns to the home of his mother in Slopperton after an absence of seven years. His uncle, Montague Harding, having recently returned from the East Indies after amassing a large fortune, is also staying there. After a brief reconciliation, Richard leaves town by the train on the encouragement of Montague. However, on his train journey away from the town, he is approached by two detectives who charge him with the murder of his uncle on the night of his departure. One detective believes that Richard is innocent of the murder, and in the trial that follows manages to arrange that he plead insane, so Richard is interred in a lunatic asylum. Meanwhile, the orphaned schoolmaster Jabez North kills a child under his care after he threatens to reveal Jabez's suspicious activity on the night of the Montague's murder.

    The Shadow in the Corner

    Мэри Элизабет Брэддон

    The Shadow in the Corner' is a gothic short story, written by Mary Elizabeth Braddon, and first published in 1879. It tells the story of Michael Bascom, a reclusive scientist, who lives in an old mansion called Wildheath Grange. His man servant informs him that they need a girl to help his wife around the house. An orphan girl takes the role, but informs Bascom that she is very uncomfortable with her lodgings. She says she sees a mysterious shadow in her room at night. The house is rumoured to be haunted, but the scientist doesn't believe her, that is, until he experiences it himself. To compliment the republication of this work, a specially commissioned new introductory biography of the author has been added.

    Lady Audley's Secret

    Мэри Элизабет Брэддон

    First published serially in 1861, Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s “Lady Audley’s Secret” is the wildly successful Victorian-era sensation novel. Sensation novels were very popular in English literature in the 1860s and 1870s. The novels were a combination of realism and romance and were usually tales of terrible crimes, such as murder, kidnapping, bigamy, adultery, and theft, occurring in otherwise normal, tranquil domestic settings. “Lady Audley’s Secret” was one of the most popular novels of the genre and revolves around Robert Audley, a man determined to find out the cause of his friend’s, George Talboys, disappearance. At the center of the mystery is Robert’s uncle’s wife, Lucy Audley, the Lady Audley of the novel’s title and who Robert suspects of keeping secrets. With George’s young son in questionable safety and lies, deception, and treachery surrounding him, Robert must uncover all that Lady Audley has hidden about her past while finding himself in increasing danger. A bestseller in Victorian England despite its scandalously immoral content, “Lady Audley’s Secret” addresses the domestic anxieties and gender and class conflicts of the era while at the same time featuring a remarkable and complex female character. This edition includes a biographical afterword.

    Good Lady Ducayne

    Мэри Элизабет Брэддон

    Good Lady Ducayne', is a gothic novella by Mary Elizabeth Braddon originally published in 1869. It is a nineteenth century incarnation of the popular vampire myth, setting it against the backdrop of an Anglicised region of the Italian Riviera during the Victorian era. This is a great read and an excellent addition to the bookshelf of anyone with an interest in the genre. To this republication is added a specially commissioned brand new short biography of the author.

    The Fifth Ghost Story MEGAPACK ®

    Мэри Элизабет Брэддон

    The Fifth Ghost Story MEGAPACK™ presents a great collection of 25 more classic ghost stories from 19th and 20th century masters (plus a new introduction by editor Shawn M. Garrett). Included are:<P> A TALE OF A GAS-LIT GHOST, by Anonymous<BR> DOG OR DEMON? by Theo Gift<BR> THE STORY OF MEDHANS LEA, by E. Heron & H. Heron<BR> HOW FEAR DEPARTED FROM THE LONG GALLERY, by E. F. Benson<BR> ON THE BRIGHTON ROAD, by Richard Middleton<BR> THE NEW PASS, by Amelia B. Edwards<BR> THE VIOLET CAR, by E. Nesbit<BR> KENTUCKY'S GHOST, by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward<BR> THE SHIP THAT SAW A GHOST, by Frank Norris<BR> CHRISTMAS EVE ON A HAUNTED HULK, by Frank Cowper<BR> YUKI-ONNA, by Lafcadio Hearn<BR> THE ADVENTURE OF THE GERMAN STUDENT, by Washington Irving<BR> FULLCIRCLE, by John Buchan<BR> THE GHOST IN THE CAP’N BROWN HOUSE, by Harriet Beecher Stowe<BR> THE STRANGER, by Ambrose Bierce<BR> THE SOUTHWEST CHAMBER, by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman<BR> THE READJUSTMENT, by Mary Austin<BR> EVELINE’S VISITANT, by Mary Elizabeth Braddon<BR> SIR EDMUND ORME, by Henry James<BR> THE HAUNTED DRAGOON, by Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch<BR> THE PICTURE ON THE WALL, by Katharine Tynan<BR> THE BANSHEE'S WARNING, by Charlotte Riddell<BR> THE SERPENT'S HEAD, by Lady Dilke<BR> THE DEAD MAN OF VARLEY GRANGE, by Anonymous<BR> THE SCREAMING SKULL, by F. Marion Crawford<P> If you enjoy this book, search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see the more than 180 other entries in the series, covering science fiction, modern authors, mysteries, westerns, classics, adventure stories, and much, much more!