Ingret Nagoeva

Список книг автора Ingret Nagoeva


    Ingret Nagoeva

    La poesía se derrama en el aire, se oculta en la mirada, se escucha en el susurro del follaje, nos rodea por todas partes. El poeta se convierte en un guía para el mundo de la belleza para todos los que están listos para seguirlo. Algunos poemas Han sido publicados en el libro «Vivid dreams: книга на 5 языках». Para disfrutar del libro, descargue las canciones de la lista, escúchelas, hojeando las páginas y elija el poema que más le guste, léalo.

    Le réveil du printemps

    Ingret Nagoeva

    Il s’agit d’un livre anti-stress composé de haïkus inspirants de trois lignes. En lisant un poème par jour, vous pouvez remplir la vie de bonheur et d’harmonie. Après tout, la vocation du haïku est de capturer le moment parfait dans un monde imparfait.


    Ingret Nagoeva

    This little book of poetry, complemented by professional photographs from Unsplash and a playlist of classical music, is able to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. This is the best gift for connoisseurs of beauty.This is the first book of English poetry only written by the Russian poet Ingret Nagoeva. Some of the poems included in this collection were previously published in her book “Vivid dreams: книга на 5 языках”.

    Pleasant Haiku Moments

    Ingret Nagoeva

    There is some magic in capturing a moment and writing it down in a few words. Haiku is a three-line poem without rhyme that can change your mood and bring harmony in your soul. Reading one haiku a day will help you to find your ikigai, your reason to live.

    Vivid dreams. Книга на 5 языках

    Ingret Nagoeva

    Poetry… spilled in the air, hidden in the gaze, heard in the rustle of foliage – it surrounds us. The poet becomes a guide to the world of beauty for everyone who is ready to follow him.Are you ready? Than, this book is for you!Книга стихов на русском, английском, испанском, французском и кабардинском языках вдохновляет изучать языки, будит воображение и открывает читателю новые миры. Если вы знаете один из пяти языков и любите поэзию, то эта книга для вас!

    Inspiring Haiku Moments

    Ingret Nagoeva

    What can inspire you more than nature?What could be more beautiful than sunrise and sunset? The haiku moments collected in this book convey feelings of harmony and happiness. Comprehend each haiku, or just see the picture in your imagination.***Bonfire.Sparks are flying upto the stars.Ingret Nagoeva

    Lluvia de flores. Haiku

    Ingret Nagoeva

    El arte de capturar un momento en tres líneas cortas, transmitiendo la perfección de la naturaleza y la sabiduría de la vida en solo 17 sílabas… El haiku no es solo una corriente literaria. El haiku es una cosmovisión:***Lluvia de floresun cuervo busca en vanosu nidoMatsuo Basho

    The Haiku Book. Книга хайку

    Ingret Nagoeva

    There is magic in a three-lines poem without rhyme. In a couple of seconds you can change your mood and bring harmony in your heart. The art of imprinting the perfect moment in this imperfect world helps you to focus on what you have and being grateful.Есть магия в трехстишии хайку. В течение нескольких секунд оно может изменить твое настроение и привнести гармонию в сердце.Книга на английском и русском языках.