Synopsis: To change, you have to leave your comfort zone. This is a very uncomfortable thought and an even more uncomfortable road to travel. Both the thought and the journey can cause long-lasting pain if procrastination takes the place of immediate action. Kaikaku (Japanese for ‘radical change’) is like slapping the face of someone who has fainted: they may have lost consciousness, but the sudden forceful impact can bring them back from a horrendous nightmare. In this book, the author describes how kaikaku is best applied to businesses, how crises can be prevented, and what to do if you have just dealt with a crisis and do not want to get into a new one anytime soon. True stories are used to illustrate the main topics of kaikaku and give an insight into proven problem-solving methods. Some of them might not be entirely legal in all countries, but a slap on the wrist and a ‘don’t do it again’ might be all you get if you’re caught out. Lean management is all about avoiding waste, so this book is concise and to the point – it avoids verbal diarrhoea so that the reader does not have to sift through the rubbish to get to the good stuff.