The book is in Estonian. Raamat on eesti keeles. Vibroakustische Klangschalenmassage: Kontakttechnik. Lehrmittel.Viktor Ogui – Pädagoge, professioneller Masseur, Psychologe, Erfinder, Medizinarbeiter, Reisender und WellnessexperteVibroakustische Klangschalenmassage: Kontakttechnik in der Tradition Tsering Ngodrub – ist eine effektive gesundheitsrelevante Behandlung durch Massage mit Hilfe einer geschmiedeten Klangschale.
The book is in German. Das Buch ist in deutscher Sprache. Vibroakustische Klangschalenmassage: Kontakttechnik. Lehrmittel.Viktor Ogui – Pädagoge, professioneller Masseur, Psychologe, Erfinder, Medizinarbeiter, Reisender und WellnessexperteVibroakustische Klangschalenmassage: Kontakttechnik in der Tradition Tsering Ngodrub – ist eine effektive gesundheitsrelevante Behandlung durch Massage mit Hilfe einer geschmiedeten Klangschale.
The book is in Italian. Il libro è in italiano. Il massaggio vibroacustico con le ciotole cantanti: il metodo a contatto. Il manuale didattico.Victor Ogui – e’ un insegnante, massaggiatore professionista, psicologo, inventore, medico, viaggiatore e un esperto nelle pratiche del benessere.Il massaggio vibroacustico con le ciotole cantanti: il metodo a contatto nella tradizione di Tsering Ngodrub – è un trattamento efficace di massaggio benessere con l’aiuto di una ciotola cantante forgiata.
The book is in Spanish. El libro está en español. El masaje vibro-acústico con cuencos sonoros: el método del contacto. Un manual.Viktor Ogui: profesor, masajista profesional, psicólogo, inventor, médico, viajero y experto en prácticas de bienestar.El masaje vibro-acústico con cuencos sonoros sobre el método del contacto según la tradición de Tsering Ngodrub – es un eficaz masaje curativo realizado con el uso del cuenco sonoro forjado.
Record No. 79—14 of scientific-and-trial approbation of December 25, 2014. Research objective: Comprehensive assessment of influence on the recipient’s functional status of a revitalizing procedure carried out by the evaluated specialist. The approbated health improvement method is the proprietary methodology of bioenergy correction: Traditional Tibetan Massage Using Resonance Bowls as per Tcering Ngodrub Tradition (Viktor Ogui) on the basis of health-improving practices applying resonance bowls
Everything related to Tibetan singing bowls wrapped in an aura of mystery and myths today, among which there are stories, and there are real-world phenomena. Some of them can be explained scientifically, and some cannot be explained yet. Tibetan singing bowls is a very powerful therapeutic tool and Healing Arts in the capable hands of the Master. But in incompetent hands they can cause harm to the patient or as a practice shows, to the therapist also. This book has the answers to many questions…