Massimo Longo

Список книг автора Massimo Longo

    Der Sichelmond

    Massimo Longo

    Die Welt, in die sich Elio geflüchtet hat, ist möglicherweise nicht seiner Phantasie entsprungen, sondern ein Tuch, das um ihn herum gesponnen wurde. Während der Ferien auf dem Land lernt er eine Hüterin kennen, die ihm die Wahrheit enthüllen wird, und zusammen mit einer fröhlichen Bande von sowohl realen als auch imaginären Freunden kämpft er darum, seine Freiheit zurückzugewinnen In den Abenteuern dieses Jungen lernst du Dämonen, behütete Wesen, Schatten, Bosowe, Jiwon-Wächter und magische Gesänge kennen. Du wirst durch die Welt touren, indem du Ampeln benutzt, dich um einen Affenbrotbaum drehst oder in einer Eiskugel fliegst.


    Massimo Longo


    Massimo Longo

    Serie: Escribo para ti Massimo y Maria Grazia son una pareja en la vida y en la literatura. Les encanta escribir juntos historias de fantasía dedicadas a los lectores de todas las edades. Esta serie nació de la idea de convertir en libros las fábulas y los cuentos que han creado para sus hijos.


    Massimo Longo

    Series: I write for you Massimo and Maria Grazia are a couple in life and writing. They love writing together fantastic stories for readers of all ages. This series aims at turning the fairy tales and stories they have invented for their children into books.

    Cooking Out Of Love

    Massimo Longo

    In this culinary book you will find 10 recipes and 2 topping recipes, all easy to prepare. I have focused on the result: here you will find only premium dishes, as I have left outside any mediocre recipe with a questionable realisation, like those that sometimes appear on certain culinary books. Moreover, you can receive help in the preparation of these dishes via Facebook messenger; just forward me any doubt or problem you have to the address given at the end of the book. All my recipes do not envisage the use of pre prepared flour mixes, as most of the time, they do not contain genuine ingredients. I will only use pure and natural flours, and I will disclose all the secrets that usually make gluten-free dishes difficult to achieve. In this culinary book you will find 10 recipes and 2 topping recipes, all easy to prepare. I have focused on the result: here you will find only premium dishes, as I have left outside any mediocre recipe with a questionable realisation, like those that sometimes appear on certain culinary books. Moreover, you can receive help in the preparation of these dishes via Facebook messenger; just forward me any doubt or problem you have to the address given at the end of the book. All my recipes do not envisage the use of pre prepared flour mixes, as most of the time, they do not contain genuine ingredients. I will only use pure and natural flours, and I will disclose all the secrets that usually make gluten-free dishes difficult to achieve. You will not even realise that you will be eating gluten-free: I can guarantee that you will not believe your palate. Why? Because I am not gluten intolerant myself. I became a gluten-free cook for love. I cook for my wife, who has been gluten intolerant for many many years now, in order to bring her the original flavour of the products of our region, Sicily. Even if you are not gluten intolerant yourself, but you want to amaze your soulmate or maybe your nieces and nephews with a tasty dish, you have come across the right book! It is aimed at all those like me that do not have time to waste but do not want to give up on culinary delights.Here you will not find complicated preparations, odd measuring systems or long leavening times. For all those that say ”why can't I do it?”: I used to be one of those to whom cooking gluten-free seemed impossible. Forget all that good-looking on the outside, yet disgusting on the inside. I can guarantee that my dishes are fantastic both on the inside and the outside. I am not a chef, but growing up I worked for several years in a pastry shop as an assistant. Thanks to my passion, I have managed to steal all the secrets to such an amazing culinary tradition like the Sicilian one. Hence, do not expect in my dishes those embellishments typical of trendy starred cuisine. Instead, you will find only healthy and yummy dishes straight out of Grandma's kitchen. The book is organised in A4 printable format so that you can print them and attach them to your own personal cookbook.

    Super-Erbino E Il Serpente Malandrino

    Massimo Longo

    "Serie : Scrivo per te Massimo e Maria Grazia sono una coppia nella vita e nella scrittura. Amano scrivere insieme storie fantastiche dedicate a lettori di tutte le età. Questa serie nasce dall’idea di trasformare in libri le favole e le fiabe che hanno inventato per i loro bambini.

    Лусилла В Облаках

    Massimo Longo

    Серия: Я пишу это для вас Массимо и Мария Грация – для пары как в реальной, так и в литературной жизни, и они любят писать художественную литературу для всех, независимо от их возраста. Эта идея родилась с идеей превратить сказки в книги, которые они сочинили для своих детей.

    Super-Erbino E Il Serpente Malandrino

    Massimo Longo

    Serie : Scrivo per te Massimo e Maria Grazia sono una coppia nella vita e nella scrittura. Amano scrivere insieme storie fantastiche dedicate a lettori di tutte le età. Questa serie nasce dall’idea di trasformare in libri le favole e le fiabe che hanno inventato per i loro bambini.

    Un Cuarto De Luna

    Massimo Longo

    Un cuarto de Luna: El mundo en el que se ha refugiado Elio tal vez no sea fruto de su fantasía, sino un cuadro que alguien creó a su alrededor. Durante unas vacaciones en el campo, podrá conocer una Vigía que le revelará la verdad y, junto a un divertido grupo de amigos, reales y fantásticos, luchará por recuperar su libertad. Las aventuras de este niño te permitirán conocer a Demonios, Vigías, Sombras, Bosowe, Guardianes Jiwon, cantos mágicos… e irás de paseo por el mundo usando semáforos, girando alrededor de un baobab o volando en una esfera de hielo.