Ava the Aviator: The Adventure Begins is the story of a young girl who dares to follow her dream. Ava can't wait to go to school and share her dream with her classmates, but when she tells them that she wants to be an aviator when she grows up, the classroom erupts in laughter. When Ava returns home discouraged, her dad steps in to help. Together, they build an airplane so she can follow her dream. But there's just one problem—the mighty little aircraft has a mind of its own! After taking off for a short test flight, they soon realize that the plane has other plans. When they narrowly miss crashing into the Eiffel Tower, they realize that they are far, far from home. Wanting to make the best of an unexpected situation, the father and daughter duo explore some of France's most iconic sights before finally flying home. Soar with Ava as she experiences new countries and cultures. Follow her as the little plane takes her on one amazing adventure after another. Ava's adventures are sure to entertain and educate young readers while showing them that they, too, can achieve anything and that the sky really is the limit when you follow your dreams.