Este libro proporciona la información necesaria sobre cómo negociar tanto en entornos empresariales como políticos. Propone un método que es a la vez una filosofía y un programa de técnicas específicas, que te permitirán hacer lo correcto en el momento adecuado.
Diariamente se negocian cosas. Dentro de las familias, en las empresas, en la esfera pública, en entornos internacionales, ya sean decisiones, proyectos, contratos o conflictos. Pero, ¿respetas un orden en la negociación? ¿Te preparas antes de actuar? ¿Escuchas antes de hablar? ¿Reconoces las emociones antes de resolver problemas? ¿Creas valor antes de discutir los precios?
Si no naces buen negociador, puedes convertirte en uno. Más allá de las prácticas instintivas, esta obra postula un método original y novedoso, basado en la vasta experiencia de los autores en consultoría y recursos humanos. Método de negociación fue traducido a catorce idiomas y solamente en Francia e Inglaterra lleva vendidos más de 50.000 ejemplares.
When negotiation fails, mediation avails other moves for an amicable resolution. Whether you are a current or future mediator or a party to a conflict, this is your essential companion to the theory, concepts, and best practices of mediation. In a world ridden by social divisions, responsible resolution of conflicts is more timely than ever. What happens when parties are unable to negotiate an agreement together? The next move is to invite a third party to reset the negotiations, facilitate the exchanges, rebuild a working relationship and empower the parties to explore the past, surface their present needs, invent, evaluate and choose the best solutions for the future. Mediation: Negotiation by Other Moves brings decades of critical analysis and experience that the authors tested worldwide in international organizations, governments, NGOs, universities and corporations. You will understand mediation better, and its significance in your personal and professional life. You will be able to develop a flexible mindset and a broad outlook to achieve sustainable outcomes. This book will cover: Models and principles from various domains of mediation: family, business & labor, public affairs, international relations A mediation framework to prepare for mediation and to run its process smoothly A step-by-step approach to a mediation session, from the opening until a possible settlement, via the various phases of problem solving Mediation traps and how to avoid them—for mediators and parties alike Ethics of mediation and questions of responsibility Mediation: Negotiation by Other Moves is essential reading for anyone who wishes to develop a pragmatic approach to mediation.