And by letting go of my obsession with this body little by little, souls have to take control of the animal ego. We are reborn and live for about 100 years as human beings to be matured and to evolve. While it has a body, knowledge would be produced and learned with a sense of discernment. Humans use words to transmit the energy of the soul to each other. The energy of words could hurt or conversely give courage as well. In this way, spirits have been upgraded over time by gathering lots of information through knowledge, words, and surrounding. The soul stays in the third-dimension as a human with a body, and in the fourth dimension as a god without a body. Through this process of reincarnation countlessly, the spirit has continued to evolve and to be mature like a star radiating light around. Stars that have matured enough begin to benefit the world through a light that illuminates the space. This is the reason the soul develops as it goes back and forth between dimensions. Contents 1. Knowledge 2. Words 3. Non-possession 4. Wisdom 5. Gods i. Ha-nu-nim ii. The Law of Grand Nature iii. The Order of Gods 6. Dimension 7. Sa-sang Constitution 8. Conclusion
In life, we have faced too many trials. What if there was a guide or a hint book for lives? What would your life be like if you were told, before marriage, about what marriage is? Difficulties arise due to a lack of certain knowledge. How would you live if you understand how life was different in your 20s and 40s, and what you need to prepare? Therefore, this book, Human, tries to talk about reincarnation along with religion and life under the ties that a person meets and what to do at each age. contents 1. Religion 2. Reincarnation 3. Relationship i. I & ego ii. Man & Woman iii. Grandparents & Grandchildren iv. Parents & Children v. Siblings vi. Husband & Wife vii. Friends viii. Teachers & Students ix. Bosses & Employees x. Leaders & Followers xi. Young people & Senior Citizens 4. Age 5. conclusion
For 'my' desires, 'my' interests, 'my' greed, and 'my' pleasure, lots of sacrifices are made. But, there is no legitimate explanation to figure this situation out so far. With COVID-19, everyone is globally isolated to face a new obstacle. The globe needs new laws and orders for the future generation that will be commonly able to apply to everyone in the world. It is the reason why I write this book. If you are desperately looking for the truth or the right way to live, this book will be your friend. Now, intellectuals worldwide ought to awaken and gather to establish a new law not just for your country but for the whole world. If my little resonance is delivered to you, I hope that your soul, struggling in darkness and pain, will start over again to benefit humanity widely all together.