Was bedeutet Erfolg? Wie wird er gemessen – Reichtum, Ruhm, viele Freunde? Dieses Buch erforscht die vielen Schichten dessen, was wahren Erfolg ausmacht, und wie man ihn erreichen kann. Erfolg ist das, was jeder behauptet, zu wollen; und doch sind nur wenige in der Lage, angemessen zu definieren, was es ist. Für viele ist Erfolg gleichbedeutend mit Ruhm und Reichtum, doch diejenigen, die dieses ”Ziel” wirklich erreichen, sind relativ wenige. In der Tat ist Erfolg ein flüchtiges Konzept, das ständig neu definiert werden muss: Wenn man einmal erreicht hat, was man für Erfolg hält, muss man weiter daran arbeiten, ihn zu erhalten! Die Definition von Erfolg ist nicht einfach, aber der Weg dorthin steht jedem offen, der sich die zugrundeliegenden Prinzipien wirklich zu eigen macht. Seltsamerweise behaupten viele von denen, die nicht das genießen, was gemeinhin als Erfolg verstanden wird, trotzdem, glücklich zu sein. Tatsächlich ist Glück, wie wir sehen werden, ein integraler Bestandteil des gesamten Phänomens des Erfolgs.
Un recueil de valeurs morales discutées comme des impératifs sociaux, plutôt que sous le manteau de la religion. Répertoriées par ordre alphabétique, les valeurs qui s'expriment à travers l'Acceptation, l'Allégeance, la Beauté, le Travail et le Zèle sont écrites dans une prose poétique accessible à tous. La société est devenue trop décontractée, de la tenue vestimentaire à la parole. Les comportements ont suivi, tout comme les attitudes et les sentiments. Les pages de ce livre renferment des principes anciens qui sont aussi pertinents aujourd'hui qu'ils l'ont toujours été, et qui n'entravent pas la liberté dans la société, mais encouragent plutôt l'harmonie et une saine expression des conventions sociétales. La morale est aussi applicable au mode de vie d'aujourd'hui qu'elle l'était dans le passé. Nos valeurs morales n'ont pas été perdues. Elles sont parfois affichées dans une gloire magnifique, comme dans le musée commémoratif du 11 septembre ; à d'autres moments, elles semblent être en sommeil. Pourtant, elles sont présentes en chacun de nous, et comme le plant qui éclate dans la neige fraîche, elles finissent par élever leur cœur et par briller vers la lumière.
What does success mean? How is it measured – wealth, fame, many friends? This book explores the many layers of what constitutes true success, and how one can achieve it. Success is what everyone claims to want; and yet, few are able to adequately define what it is. For many, success is fame and fortune, yet those that really achieve that “goal” are relatively few. In fact, success is an ephemeral concept that needs constant shoring up and redefinition: Once you have achieved what you think is success, you have to keep working to maintain it! The definition of success is not a simple one, but the means to it are open to everyone who genuinely adopts its underlying principles. Curiously, many of those who do not enjoy what is popularly understood as success still claim to be happy. In fact, as we shall see, happiness is an integral part of the entire phenomenon of success.
This is the story of the other victims of German occupation in France, the story of my mother who was separated from her family and fled, and the torture that remained with her forever. These are the memoirs as told to me by my mother. I have attempted to tell her story as accurately as she presented them to me, piecing together her own written journals, along with various anecdotes that supplemented and peppered stories over my lifetime, without embellishing by interposing my own interpretations of events. This is not a suspense novel, although certainly the events recounted herein were suspenseful to those who experienced them. They certainly sounded suspenseful to me as I heard and read them. So as to avert embarrassment to anyone reading these words, I have on occasion chosen to use pseudonyms, while trying to keep the gist of the story true to form. My mother was French, and occasionally some French words and phrases appear throughout the text. I have included translations wherever appropriate. She also lived and studied in Italy before moving to Israel, and eventually to the United States. Again, where words and phrases are included in those languages, and I have included translations to the best of my ability.
A compendium of moral values discussed as social imperatives, rather than under the mantle of religion. Listed alphabetically, values ranting from Acceptance, Allegiance, Beauty, Work and Zeal are written in poetic prose accessible to everyone. Society has become all too casual, from attire to speech. Behavior has followed suit, as have attitudes and sentiments. Within the pages of this book are time-honored principles that are as relevant today as they have always been, and do not impede freedom in society, but rather encourage harmony and a healthy expression of societal conventions. Morality is as applicable to today’s lifestyle as it was in the past. Our moral values have not been lost. They are sometimes displayed in magnificent glory, as in the memorial museum of 9/11; at other times, they seem to lie dormant. Yet, they are present in all of us, and like the seedling that bursts through the fresh snow, they ultimately lift up their hearts and shine toward the light.