Jeb Blount

Список книг автора Jeb Blount

    Selling the Price Increase

    Jeb Blount

    A practical guide for successfully navigating the single greatest growth and profit improvement opportunity for B2B enterprises: price increases The payoff for implementing price increases without losing customers is massive! Effective price increase campaigns are far more effective at boosting topline revenue and generating profits than acquiring new customers. The problem is that price increase initiatives—whether broad-based or targeted to specific accounts—strike fear and anxiety into the hearts of sales professionals and account managers who are tasked with selling them to their customers. Approaching customers with price increases sits at the tip top of the pantheon of things salespeople hate to do because they fear that raising prices will reduce sales volume or open the door to competitors. Yet when sold effectively, customers accept price increases, remain loyal, and often buy even more. In Selling the Price Increase: The Ultimate B2B Field Guide for Raising Prices Without Losing Customers , celebrated sales trainer Jeb Blount reveals the strategies, tactics, techniques, and frameworks that allow you to successfully master price increase initiatives. From crafting effective price increase messages to protecting hard-won relationships, handling common objections, and making the case for the value you deliver, this comprehensive guide walks you through each step of the price increase sales process. In each chapter, you’ll find practical exercises designed to help you master the Selling the Price Increase system. As you dive into these powerful insights, and with each new chapter, you'll gain greater and greater confidence in your ability to successfully engage customers in price increase conversations. You’ll learn: How to navigate multiple price increase scenarios: broad-based, targeted, non-negotiable, negotiable, defending, presenting, and asking The eight price increase narratives and three drivers of customer price increase acceptance How to neutralize and get past the five big price increase fears and anxieties How to avoid the big mistakes that trigger resentment and drive customers into the arms of your competitors The 9-Box Risk-Profile Framework for targeting accounts for price increases A repeatable process for confidently approaching price increase conversations The Five-Step Price Increase Messaging Framework Proven frameworks for reducing resistance and handling price increase objections How to negotiate profitable outcomes with high-risk profile accounts Winning strategies for coaching and leading successful price increase initiativesFollowing in the footsteps of his blockbuster bestsellers Fanatical Prospecting, Sales EQ, Objections, Inked, and Virtual Selling , Jeb Blount's Selling the Price Increase puts the same strategies employed by his clients—a who's who of the world's most prestigious organizations—right into your hands. Selling the Price Increase is an essential handbook for sales professionals, account managers, customer success teams, and other revenue generation leaders looking for a page-turning and insightful roadmap to navigating the essential—and nerve-wracking—world of price increases.

    Keine Einwände

    Jeb Blount

    Im Vertrieb gibt es nur wenige Einheitslösungen. Der Kontext zählt. Komplexe Verkäufe sind anders als Abschlüsse, die mit einem Anruf getätigt werden. B2B ist anders als B2C. Interessenten, Gebiete, Produkte, Branchen, Unternehmen und Vertriebsprozesse sind alle unterschiedlich. Es gibt nur wenig Schwarz und Weiß im Verkaufsprozess.<br> Eine Ausnahme sind Einwände. Bei Einwänden gibt es Demokratie. Jeder Verkäufer muss viele NEINs ertragen, um zum JA zu gelangen. <br> Einwände nehmen keine Rücksicht darauf,<br> – wer Sie sind,<br> – was Sie verkaufen,<br> – wie Sie verkaufen,<br> – ob Sie neu im Verkauf sind oder ein Veteran,<br> – ob Ihr Verkaufszyklus lang oder kurz ist – komplex oder transaktional.<br> <br> Seitdem Verkäufer von Käufern verlangen, Verpflichtungen einzugehen, haben Käufer Einwände vorgebracht. Und seit Käufer Nein sagen, sehnen sich Verkäufer nach den Geheimnissen, wie sie diese Neins überwinden können.<br> Jeb Blounts Buch ist ein umfassender und zeitgemäßer Ratgeber, der Herz und Verstand anspricht. In seinem unverkennbaren, direkten Stil nimmt Jeb Blount kein Blatt vor den Mund und schlägt Ihnen die kalte, harte Wahrheit darüber ins Gesicht, was Sie wirklich daran hindert, Verkäufe abzuschließen und Ihre Einkommensziele zu erreichen. Dann zieht er Sie mit Beispielen, Geschichten und Lektionen in seinen Bann, die Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie selbst bei den schwierigsten Einwänden mit menschlichem Einfluss ein Nein überwinden können.<br> Stattdessen lernen Sie eine neue Psychologie für die Umkehrung von Einwänden und bewährte Techniken, die mit den besser informierten, kontrollierten und skeptischen Käufern von heute funktionieren. <br> Mit jedem neuen Kapitel werden Sie mehr und mehr Vertrauen in Ihre Fähigkeit gewinnen, Einwände in jeder Verkaufssituation zu erkennen und effektiv zu bearbeiten. Und mit diesem neu gewonnenen Selbstvertrauen werden Ihr Erfolg und Ihr Einkommen in die Höhe schnellen.

    La gente compra por usted

    Jeb Blount

    La gente compra por usted es la guía más recomendada para tener éxito en las relaciones y para saber cómo influenciar y persuadir en los negocios del siglo XXI. ¿Qué es lo más importante para su éxito como profesional en las ventas y en los negocios? ¿Es cuestión de contar con un alto nivel de educación, con una experiencia invaluable, con el conocimiento más apropiado posible del producto que usted representa, de desempeñar un alto cargo empresarial, dirigir un territorio envidiable para hacer negocios o tener estilo e impecable presencia? ¿Se trata de la inversión que usted hizo en el último software de CRM, de que usa herramientas de negocios 2.0 o dinámicas estrategias en las redes sociales?. Usted podrá contratar a una empresa consultora de lujo, hacer la lista de objetivos más larga, agregarle algunas viñetas, ponerla en una presentación de PowerPoint y darla a conocer al máximo posible. Pero al final, llegará a una sola conclusión: ¡El éxito no es cuestión de ninguna de las anteriores! La ventaja competitiva más importante para los profesionales de negocios de hoy no se encuentra en sus CVs, ni en ninguno de los folletos de marketing de sus empresas. ¿Importan todos estos aspectos que acabamos de enumerar? Por supuesto que sí, pero cuando todo esto es igual (y en el mundo competitivo en el que vivimos hoy, casi siempre lo es), la gente compra por usted. En esta lectura usted descubrirá:Cinco palancas que le abren la puerta a relaciones más sólidas, que incrementan sus ventas tan rápido como desee, que mejoran la retención de sus clientes, que aumentan sus ganancias y le ayudan a avanzar en su carrera.Cómo anclar sus relaciones comerciales y crear clientes leales que nunca lo abandonen para irse con su competencia.Cómo construir su marca personal para mejorar su presencia profesional y sobresalir en el mercado.

    Virtual Training

    Jeb Blount

    Remote learning has been around since the 18th century. Caleb Phillips began advertising correspondence courses in the Boston Gazette in 1728 allowing people, for the first time, to learn new skills no matter where they lived. For the past 300 years, virtual training, in its various formats, has been meandering into shore on an inevitable yet slow building tide. And then, just like that, everything changed. A global pandemic. Social distancing. Working from home. In an instant, the tide became a tsunami. The global pandemic accelerated the broad adoption of virtual instructor led training along with awareness that classroom-based training is often expensive, inefficient, and fails to deliver a fair return on investment. While it is certainly more challenging to re-create the collaborative environment of the physical classroom in a virtual setting, virtual training combines the structure, accountability, and social learning benefits of classroom training with speed, agility, and significant cost savings. Simply put, virtual training enables organizations to rapidly upskill more people, while generating a far higher return on the training investment. Virtual training is also green. Studies indicate that virtual training consumes nearly 90% less energy and produces 85% fewer CO2 emissions than classroom training. Still, the biggest challenge with virtual training, and the reason there has been so much resistance to it, is historically the experience has been excruciating. Not the quality of the curriculum or content. Not the talent of the trainer. The learning experience. There are few people who haven’t had the pleasure of sitting through agonizing virtual training sessions. Death by voice over PowerPoint, delivered by a disengaged instructor, has an especially bitter flavor. It is the way virtual training is delivered that matters most. When the virtual learning experience is emotionally positive: Participants are more engaged, embrace new competencies, and knowledge sticks Participants are more likely to show up to class and be open to future virtual training Trainers enjoy their work and gain fulfillment from making an impact Leaders book more virtual training Organizations more readily blend and integrate virtual training into learning & development initiatives This is exactly what this book is about.  Virtual Training  is the definitive guide to delivering virtual training that engages learners and makes new skills and behavioral changes stick. Jeb Blount, one of the most celebrated trainers and authors of our generation, walks you step-by-step through the seven elements of effective, engaging virtual learning experiences. Trainer Mindset & Emotional Discipline Production & Technology Media & Visuals Virtual Curriculum & Instructional Design Planning & Preparation Virtual Communication Skills Dynamic & Interactive Training Delivery As you dive into these powerful insights, and with each new chapter, you’ll gain greater and greater confidence in your ability to effectively deliver training in a virtual classroom. Once you master virtual training delivery and experience the power of remote learning, you may never want to go back to the physical classroom again.

    Virtual Training

    Jeb Blount