This book can be used at any time. In the natal chart of every person, Mercury occupies a specific house and sign, influencing this sphere throughout life. The transiting Mercury sequentially influences each house of the horoscope, gradually affecting all spheres of a person's life. With the help of this book, one can learn how to use each transit of this planet for the benefit of oneself and others. The book can serve as a guide for those who are learning to interpret transits.
This book is dedicated to the transits of Venus, and it can be used at any time. In the natal chart of every person, Venus occupies a specific sign and house (according to the moment of birth), influencing this area throughout life. The transiting Venus, moving through the entire zodiac in the sky, sequentially influences each house, affecting all areas of life. With the help of Venus' transits, predictions are made about relationships, the outcome of romantic encounters, financial opportunities, and much more.
This book is dedicated to the transits of Mars. In the natal chart of every person, Mars occupies a certain sign and house, according to the moment of birth, and influences this area throughout life. The transiting Mars, passing through the zodiac in the sky, sequentially influences each house of the horoscope, gradually affecting all spheres of a person’s life. How this masculine energy will influence us at a given time, what to do with it, and what not to do, where to expect danger – answers to these questions can be found in this book.
This book is entirely dedicated to the nakshatras and their padas. So, what do the nakshatras provide us with? They are very important when analyzing relationships between people, as they are connected to our consciousness, revealing the psychology and inner world of a person – their attitude towards themselves and others. They assist in choosing a profession, in rectification, and are one of the key criteria for selecting an auspicious time to begin activities – Muhurtas.
Jyotish (Indian or Vedic astrology) helps to make our life happier, more conscious, to understand our purpose and calling. Jyotish in translation from Sanskrit (the literary language of Ancient India) means Divine Light.
The book "Karma's code" is an opportunity to start studying Vedic numerology and astrology, to learn more about yourself, your purpose, to understand the root of problems with the people around you, and partners. With the help of the book, you can fully view not only your horoscope but also the horoscope of any other person.
Эта книга помогает понять, что надо делать для улучшения своей жизни и реализации предназначения согласно месяцу рождения. Также даётся подробная информация о гармонизации планет в натальной карте. Последняя часть книги "Гармонизация натальной карты" посвящена Чара каракам.
Эту книгу можно использовать в любое время. Она может служить пособием по изучению того, как смотреть транзиты. В натальной карте каждого человеа Юпитер занимает определённый дом и знак, в соответствии с моментом рождения, и влияет на эту область всю жизнь. Транзитный Юпитер, проходя на небе Зодиак, поочерёдно оказывает влияние на каждый дом гороскопа, постепенно затрагивая все сферы жизни человека. Отслеживание транзитов Юпитера поможет понять, в какой области жизни ждать удачу и как к этому можно подготовиться.
Очень важно всегда знать, где проходят транзиты кармических узлов Раху и Кету (слово «кармические» говорит само за себя). Раху и Кету никого не оставляют без внимания, находясь полтора года в определённых знаках и домах напротив друг друга, поднимают там карму, вносят изменения в эти сферы жизни, которым бесполезно сопротивляться, но необходимо знать, как себя вести.