This volume presents a systematic review of interprofessional education in health and social care. This is accompanied by a wider-ranging critique of interprofessional education, grounded by experience, and informed by sources beyond the evaluations that qualified for inclusion in the review. Synthesising the evidence base for interprofessional education nevertheless remains central, with 353 studies surveyed in the first instance, from which 107 studies form the basis for the final analysis. The book does much more than amass evidence. It revisits conventional wisdom; setting an agenda to help interested parties perform better by applying lessons learned, remedying weaknesses and renewing efforts to address unanswered questions. The first three chapters set the scene for the systematic review and its findings. The middle section of the book articulates the findings of the review. Finally, the closing chapters consider values and attitudes, theoretical perspectives and offer conclusions. Arguments, assumptions and evidence in this publication are presented to inform policy making, programme planning, teaching and research.
This volume presents a practical guide to the development, application and evaluation of effective interprofessional education in health and social care. It is both a practice manual for those in hands-on roles and a reflective guide for those indirectly involved in professional education. The book provides clear advice on methods of establishing training and education programmes and evaluating their effectiveness, while simultaneously examining the relationship between initial application, ongoing maintenance and subsequent assessment. The authors expound multiple points of view that will generate individual thinking and approaches to both the practice and the estimation of interprofessional education schemes. The book is divided into three sections: the first introduces the differing approaches to professional education and the rationale behind measuring their worth; the second part focuses on planning, development and delivery; the third part advises in a robust and pragmatic way on modes of measuring the efficacy of programmes. The interrelation of these topics is then examined to provide a synthesised perspective on the development, delivery and evaluation of interprofessional education.