Sarah Pilliner

Список книг автора Sarah Pilliner

    The Horse in Motion

    Sarah Pilliner

    We all want our horses to be able to perform to the best of their ability and we know that an effective training regime has many facets. The horse must be worked correctly, fed a balanced ration, mentally and physically healthy and well looked after. This book examines a further aspect of the horse’s performance: it is designed to help all horse owners and riders to understand how a horse moves and how its anatomy helps, or hinders, the horse’s athletic ability. First, the book uses sequences of photographs and detailed anatomical drawings to show the systems of support and movement at each phase of each of the horse’s gaits. The walk, trot, canter, gallop and jump are all examined, and the effect of the rider on the horse evaluated so that the rider can take appropriate action to avoid hindering the horse. Tips are provided throughout on ways in which the horse’s life can be made easier, such as saddle fitting, warming up and cooling down procedures.

    Equine Science

    Sarah Pilliner

    Equine Science provides – in one book – all the essential scientific knowledge students require. Describing the structure and function of the various body systems and clearly explaining the scientific rationale behind modern horse husbandry practices, this book has been written specifically for students on National and Higher Diploma courses and equine studies degree programmes, Advanced National Certificate and BHS Stage IV. The second edition has been revised to reflect the changes in the student curriculum, and the book includes two new chapters on the cell and genetics. The Authors Sarah Pilliner is an equine consultant specialising in horse care. She is also an experienced lecturer, competition rider and senior examiner, and the author of several books. Zoe Davies is a former lecturer in equine science, a consultant equine nutritionist, author and external examiner for higher education courses. She has substantial experience in equine management and training.

    Horse and Stable Management

    Sarah Pilliner

    Since the first edition was published in 1984 Horse and Stable Management has become the recognised source of reliable information on all aspects of the practical management of horses and ponies. It is now the established textbook for everyone who owns a horse or works with horses. This fourth edition has been radically revised and reorganised to include the most up-to-date and accurate procedures and advice. With many new photographs, Horse and Stable Management includes chapters covering evolution and behaviour, conformation and action, routine preventive measures, nursing the sick horse, first aid, lameness and the management of breeding stock. Horse and Stable Management is essential reading for those taking British Horse Society and Association of British Riding Schools examinations as well as those taking college equine courses or National Vocational Qualifications in horse care and management. The Authors Jeremy Houghton Brown was manager of the British National Equestrian Centre and the British Racing School, then for many years principal lecturer in equine studies at Warwickshire College, where he started and pioneered British equine education. Above all, he is an experienced, practical horseman. Sarah Pilliner is an equine consultant specialising in horse care. She is also an experienced lecturer, competition rider, senior examiner, and the author of several books. Zoe Davies is a former lecturer in equine science, a consultant equine nutritionist, author and external examiner for higher education courses. She has substantial experience in equine management and training. From previous reviews: ‘A new classic… a clearly written and easily understood handbook.’ Riding ‘It is extremely comprehensive. It is also accurate. In fact, a most valuable book for anyone who owns a horse.’ Horse and Hound ‘The approach and contents are refreshingly different… very informative and a valuable source of reference.’ Horse and Rider