James Hadley Chase

Список книг автора James Hadley Chase

    El fruto prohibido

    James Hadley Chase

    Ed Dawson lleva una apacible existencia en Roma como corresponsal de un periódico neoyorquino propiedad del magnate Sherwin Chalmers. Pero su vida dará un giro radical el día que su jefe le pide que se ocupe de su hija Helen, estudiante de arquitectura, que va a viajar a la capital italiana.Al principio Dawson cree que no tendrá que hacer frente a grandes preocupaciones en su papel de niñera, porque la chica parece muy capaz de cuidar de sí misma. Pero las cosas no son lo que parecen, se descubre un cadáver y Dawson no tardará en verse envuelto en una turbia historia en la que acabará siendo objetivo de la mafia y sospechoso de asesinato.

    Un loto para Miss Quon

    James Hadley Chase

    ¿Hasta dónde es capaz de llegar la codicia del ser humano? Steve Jaffe obtiene una pronta respuesta a esta difícil pregunta cuando, por casualidad, encuentra un botín de dos millones de dólares en diamantes escondido en su villa de Saigón. No habiendo sido jamás una persona violenta, Jaffe se descubre a sí mismo asesinando a su criado cuando este le asegura que pondrá al corriente del hallazgo a las autoridades locales. Y es que Jaffe, por encima de todo, está dispuesto a huir con tan valioso tesoro, aun a costa de cargar un crimen sobre su conciencia. Perseguido por muchos y receloso de todos, su único aliado en esta peligrosa aventura será una hermosa y misteriosa mujer… Pero, ¿podrá confiar realmente en ella?

    Acuéstala sobre los lirios

    James Hadley Chase

    Una serie de asesinatos parecen silenciar a todo el que descubre la causa real de la muerte de Janet Crosby, una joven heredera aparentemente fallecida de insuficiencia cardíaca. El investigador Vic Malloy, contratado por la hermana menor de la difunta Janet, irá siguiendo las pistas que se ocultan tras las muertes de los posibles candidatos para conocer la verdad con una única esperanza: atrapar al sanguinario criminal antes de que él mismo se convierta en su próxima víctima.

    I'll Bury My Dead

    James Hadley Chase

    "This is a personal matter. Someone killed my brother. I don't like that. If the police can't take care of it, then I'll bury my own dead."Nick English meant every word, but his efforts to find his brother's killer started a chain reaction of murder and violence that would nearly end his own life.Here is a story of organized blackmail punctuated by sudden and gruesome murder. Written with the punch and speed of a rivet gun, I'll Bury My Dead confirms James Hadley Chase's reputation as a leading writer of all-action, edge-of-your-seat thrillers that demand to be read in a single sitting.

    I'll Bury My Dead

    James Hadley Chase

    This is a personal matter. Someone killed my brother. I don't like that. If the police can't take care of it, then I'll bury my own dead.Nick English meant every word, but his efforts to find his brother's killer started a chain reaction of murder and violence that would nearly end his own life.Here is a story of organized blackmail punctuated by sudden and gruesome murder. Written with the punch and speed of a rivet gun, I'll Bury My Dead confirms James Hadley Chase's reputation as a leading writer of all-action, edge-of-your-seat thrillers that demand to be read in a single sitting.

    You Never Know With Women

    James Hadley Chase

    Veda Rux, a beautiful blonde, known professionally as a stripper, steals a priceless Cellini dagger from the safe in millionaire Lindsay Brett's home. Her agent, Cornelius Gorman, approaches Floyd Jackson, a private investigator and first-rate blackmailer, and asks him to return the dagger before the theft is discovered.Jackson should have known there was something wrong with the whole situation, but, blinded by the beauty of Veda and more money than he had ever seen, he agreed to the proposition.From the moment he fell in love with Veda, his doom was sealed–he was caught up in a relentless intrigue that made him a cat's-paw for murder.