George W. Carey

Список книг автора George W. Carey

    The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

    George W. Carey

    In «The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation», the author, George Carey examines the connection between diseases and astrological signs. Carey offers the solution to health problems with the usage of minerals called «cell-salts». He explores the power of salts to cure diseases and how one's Zodiac sign impacts their cell-salt deficiencies.


    George W. Carey

    God-Man: The Word Made Flesh is a unique book which offers an esoteric interpretation of the Holy Bible. The author explains the Bible as a parable for the human body and kundalini awakening. Throughout the book the author explains the connection between the law of nature, astrology and Christianity.

    The Tree of Life

    George W. Carey

    The human race has been asleep, and has dreamed that property and money are the true wealth of a nation, sacrificing men, women and children to the chimerical idea that danced in visionary splendor through their brains. The result of this is to be seen in the uneasiness that prevails everywhere. But humanity is waking up, slowly but surely and beginning to realize that it, itself, is the most precious thing on earth. In this book the author thoroughly explains the process of physical regenesis by applying the principles of bodilychemistry and spiritual operation.

    God-Man: The Word Made Flesh

    George W. Carey

    God-Man: The Word Made Flesh is a unique book which offers an esoteric interpretation of the Holy Bible. The author explains the Bible as a parable for the human body and kundalini awakening. Throughout the book the author explains the connection between the law of nature, astrology and Christianity.

    The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

    George W. Carey

    In «The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation», the author, George Carey examines the connection between diseases and astrological signs. Carey offers the solution to health problems with the usage of minerals called «cell-salts». He explores the power of salts to cure diseases and how one's Zodiac sign impacts their cell-salt deficiencies.

    In Defense of the Constitution

    George W. Carey

    In Defense of the Constitution argues that modern disciples of Progressivism who subtly distort fundamental principles of the Constitution are determined to centralize political control in Washington, D.C., to achieve their goal of an egalitarian national society. It is in their distrust of self-government and representative institutions that Progressivists advocate, albeit indirectly, an elitist regime based on the power of the Supreme Court—or judicial supremacy.George W. Carey was Professor of Government at Georgetown University and editor of The Political Science Reviewer. Please note: This title is available as an ebook for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes.

    The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

    George W. Carey

    First published in 1932, “The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation” is a thorough introduction to homeopathy and astrology written by George Washington Carey and Inez Eudora Perry. Dr. Carey was born in 1845 and was an American medical doctor who wrote several books during the early twentieth-century on biochemistry, religion, astrology, physiology, and his mineral-based theory of the origin of human health and disease. In “The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation”, Dr. Carey and his co-author Perry explore the relationship between the basic biochemical cell salts, or homeopathic remedies, and the twelve sun signs, or zodiac signs. In Part 1, Dr. Carey takes the reader on an in-depth examination of each homeopathic remedy and how it relates to the body’s physiology. In Part 2, Perry explains the meaning and origin of each of the zodiac signs in both eastern and western religion, masonic texts, and their spiritual significance. The authors then detail how each of these homeopathic remedies interact in different ways in a body depending on the person’s sun sign and the current phase of the solar calendar. “The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation” remains an important and informative guide for all students of homeopathy and astrology.