The Suicide Hour. Four A.M., when resistance is lowest. For one particular young woman, the hour has a special meaning…and she often wakes a night, terrified…and unsure exactly why. <P>The puzzle unravels slowly. What happened to her father? Did he really abandon his wife and children, as everyone thinks? Or did something more sinister occur? Her mother and brother can offer little help or information. Mr. White, her father's business partner, has sold his share of the business and moved away. And why is she so terrified of cellars?
From the Edgar Award-winning author of They Buried a Man comes a novel of strangling horror! <P> "As a thriller or serious novel, powerful and rewarding." – Anthony Boucher, New York Times<P> Mildred B. Davis is an American novelist whose books generally fall into the suspense/mystery genre. Katherine (Davis) Roome, her daughter, and a published author herself, helped Mildred break a 30-year publishing silence by working with her to turn some previously unpublished manuscripts into the Murder in Maine series.