Список книг автора HAMAD ALREWAILY

    Qatar Heavens


    The Book
    There is a lot of visions around the world countries, some of them for sustainability, economics, energy, resources, health…etc. Each vision definitely has its limitation, either number of years or clear goals or other aspects and this is due to the foundation or elements that this vision actually built on.
    This book is trying to open all possible limitation in front of all kind of visions by the inspiration of the limitless heavens to enable humans to create what I call in this book «The Optimum Vision Solution», in order to have a clear path for our far future.
    The Author
    Hamad Alrewaily is an electronics and communications engineer. He worked for QP «Qatar Petroleum» for 10 years and now he is working for QNBN «Qatar National Broadband Network». Also he is the Founder & CEO of Ticketfun (www.ticketfun.me)