Sarah Wooley

Список книг автора Sarah Wooley

    They Have Oak Trees in North Carolina

    Sarah Wooley

    1985; Ray and Eileen’s five year old son vanishes.22 years later a good looking American arrives in their small English village claiming to be their boy. Can this man really be their missing child or is he an impostor? And what long buried secrets will have to be revealed in order to prove his true identity? “Police said it happened all the time. What was so special about us? What was so special about you? I said, he’s my son, that makes him special. They said, could you get a cuter photo?” They Have Oak Trees in North Carolina ran at the Tristan Bates Theatre at the Actors' Centre in 2007, in a co-production with Theatre503.

    Old Money

    Sarah Wooley

    ‘Every day I’ve worn a mask. You won’t have noticed… But then one day. It began to chip…’Forty-five years of respectable marriage should have prepared Joyce for respectable widowhood. She, however, has other ideas – and a secret life of champagne, strippers, and chance encounters unfolds in this tender comedy.