Jahrhundertelang war das Wissen über bestimmte Atemtechniken ein gut behütetes Geheimnis indischer Yogis. Dieses Wissen wurde zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts dem Westen übergeben. Bei der Wissenschaft des Atmens handelt es sich um eine der elementarsten Lehren, denn «Atem ist Leben».
Aus dem Inhalt: Einzig und allein vom Standpunkt der westlichen Physiologie, ohne Bezugnahme auf die orientalischen Philosophien und Wissenschaften ist dieses Yogi-System des vollständigen Atmens für jeden Menschen von vitaler Wichtigkeit, sei es Mann, Weib oder Kind, die Gesundheit erlangen und erhalten wollen. Seine Einfachheit selbst hält Tausende davon ab, es ernsthaft zu betrachten, während sie ein Vermögen ausgeben, um durch komplizierte und teure «Systeme» Gesundheit zu erlangen. Die Gesundheit klopft an ihre Tür und sie antworten nicht.
Inhalt: 1. Kapitel: Salaam-A-le-i-kum (Frieden mit euch!) 2. Kapitel: Atem ist Leben. 3. Kapitel: Die exoterische Theorie des Atmens. 4. Kapitel: Die esoterische Theorie des Atmens. 5. Kapitel: Das Nervensystem. 6. Kapitel: Nasenatmen respektive Mundatmen. 7. Kapitel: Die vier Methoden des Atmens. 8. Kapitel: Wie der vollständige Atem des Yogi zu erlangen ist. 9. Kapitel: Der äußere Erfolg des vollständigen Atmens. 10. Kapitel: Einige Bruchstücke von Yogi-Weisheit. 11. Kapitel: Die sieben entwickelnden Übungen. 12. Kapitel: Sieben kleinere Übungen. 13. Kapitel: Vibration und rhythmisches Atmen. 14. Kapitel: Tatsachen des psychischen Atmens. 15. Kapitel: Weitere Phänomene vom psychischen Atmen des Yogi. 16. Kapitel: Das spirituelle Atmen.
Erstveröffentlichung: Leipzig 1921 Autor: Ramacharaka (William W. Atkinson) 2. E-Book-Auflage 2018 Umfang: ca. 110 Buchseiten, 16 Kapitel
"The Yogi Philosophy may be divided into several great branches, or fields. What is known as «Hatha Yoga» deals with the physical body and its control; its welfare; its health; its preservation; its laws, etc. What is known as 'Raja Yoga' deals with the Mind; its control; its development; its unfoldment, etc. What is known as 'Bhakti Yoga' deals with the Love of the Absolute-God. What is known as 'Gnani Yoga' deals with the scientific and intellectual knowing of the great questions regarding Life and what lies back of Life-the Riddle of the Universe." So begins «A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga (The Yoga of Wisdom)» by Yogi Ramacharaka.
"The Hindu-Yogi Science of Breath" is a manual on the science of controlling your breathing by Yogi Ramacharaka. Lessons and exercises can be found in the following chapters: Salaam, «Breath is Life.», The Exoteric Theory of Breath, The Esoteric Theory of Breath, The Nervous System, Nostril vs. Mouth-Breathing, The Four Methods of Respiration, The Yogi Complete Breath, Physiological Effect of Complete Breath, A Few Bits of Yogi Lore, The Seven Yogi Developing Exercises, Seven Minor Yogi Exercises, Vibration and Yogi Rhythmic Breathing, Phenomena of Yogi Psychic Breathing, More Phenomena of Yogi Psychic Breathing, and Yogi Spiritual Breathing.
First published in 1903, “The Science of Breath” is the first of many titles on yoga and Hinduism by the mysterious Yogi Ramacharaka. There are no official records of this author and many scholars believe that he did not exist and the name is instead a pseudonym for the true writer, William Walker Atkinson, the famed occultist and pioneer of the American New Thought movement. Regardless of the identity of the author, “The Science of Breath” is an in-depth and well-written guide on both the science and philosophy of breathing in yoga and contains numerous lessons and exercises that remain useful over 100 years after its publication. This manual on the science of controlling your breathing includes chapters on both the spiritual aspect to yoga and breathing, as well as on the practical aspect of how to include these concepts into your yoga practice. Chapters contain lessons on such important practices as nostril vs. mouth-breathing, the Yogi complete breath, Yogi rhythmic breathing, and Yogi spiritual breathing. Both experienced and beginner yoga enthusiasts will discover a treasure of useful advice in this thoughtful guide.
"Strange rumors reached the ears of the people of Jerusalem and the surrounding country. It was reported that a new prophet had appeared in the valley of the lower Jordan, and in the wilderness of Northern Judea, preaching startling doctrines. His teachings resembled those of the prophets of old, and his cry of «Repent! Repent ye! for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand,» awakened strange memories of the ancient teachers of the race, and caused the common people to gaze wonderingly at each other, and the ruling classes to frown and look serious, when the name of the new prophet was mentioned." So begins «Mystic Christianity or The Inner Teachings of the Master», a classic work of religious teachings by Yogi Ramacharaka.