Psychology and theology interface at four levels: theory development, research process, data collection, and clinical operation. At each level they connect in the model of humanness (anthropology) forming and functioning there; and in that model of humanness it is in personality theory that psychology illumes theology and that psychology illumines theology. A theologian who does not take full advantage of the way psychology illumines theology is not serious about the work of theology. A psychologist who does not take full advantage of the way theology illumines psychology is not serious about the field and practice of psychology. Science, Religion, and Health explains in readable style how that interface and mutual illumination works, and why it is crucial for Christian psychotherapists and pastors.
These sermons make a strong exegetical and homiletical case, each based upon specific biblical texts, for the central biblical claim for God's radical, unconditional, and universal grace to humankind. They address a variety of themes and texts for Ordinary Time, with the intent of surprising the reader, preacher, or hearer with a fresh and attention-getting perspective on the gospel message. This volume is filled with sermons that deal in every case with profound biblical and theological issues, exegetically grounded in direct interpretation of Scripture texts, and woven together in such a way as to consistently bring to the surface the mainstream of the radical grace theology that is the Word of God throughout both the Hebrew Bible (OT) and the Christian Scriptures (NT). That grace theology mainstream runs from Genesis 3:15 to the last chapter of The Revelation of St. John.
This volume is a biblical theological critique of the Apostles' Creed and a development of the role of the Holy Spirit in the church, the world, and the personal experience of Christian faith. It addresses the creed as a historic document, an artifact of early Christian theological development, and a long-standing guide for the form and content of that faith tradition. This book is an appreciation of the Apostles' Creed in terms of its persistent pastoral effect in the church. It is also a criticism of aspects of the creed that are unbiblical and crafted for political or extraneous theological reasons by the bishops of the ancient ecumenical councils.
This volume presents the narrative of the author's personal spiritual journey, which is marked by numerous constructive life-changing paranormal experiences that can only be accounted for as special initiates of the divine spirit providing intimations and illuminations. These events are set in the context of the rich literature available, which reports similar events in the lives of many other persons, under both normal and extreme circumstances. The author, a clinical psychologist and pastoral theologian, interprets this broad panoply of psycho-spiritual data in terms of psychological science and biblical perspectives. He concludes that the divine spirit is pervasive throughout the universe and present in all the dynamics of life forms, constantly endeavoring to communicate with humans. Thus, the paranormal may well be more normal than the normal human experience and the veil between time and eternity, between the mundane and transcendent worlds, and between life and the life to come is apparently more permeable in both directions than we suppose.