Kipp D. Rogers

Список книг автора Kipp D. Rogers

    Bring Your Own Device

    Kipp D. Rogers

    Utilize technology to put students at the center of learning. This book shows educators how to incorporate students’ personal technology tools (cell phones, iPads, and laptops) into instruction. BYOD allows students to be active participants in their learning and helps teachers give them an authentic education that equips them with the skills required to be college, career, and citizenship ready.

    Mobile Learning Devices

    Kipp D. Rogers

    Do you share doubts with parents about the use of mobile learning devices (MLDs) in the classroom? Learn exactly what mobile learning is, how to introduce MLDs into your school, and how to ensure that teachers and students use them appropriately to enhance 21st century learning. Logistical implementation tips and examples of effective lesson plans are included.