Nick Evans

Список книг автора Nick Evans

    Bodybuilding Anatomie

    Nick Evans

    Werfen Sie einen Blick «unter die Haut» und erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihren Körper optimal in Form bringen. Mit einer Vielzahl von detailreichen Farb-Illustrationen und anschaulich beschriebenen Übungsanleitungen ermöglicht «Bodybuilding Anatomie» ein gezieltes Muskelaufbautraining für alle Körperbereiche. Zahlreiche Varianten ermöglichen Ihnen, einzelne Übungen und damit Ihr gesamtes Trainingsprogramm an Ihre persönlichen Erfordernisse anzupassen.

    Theories of Matter, Space, and Time

    Nick Evans

    This book and its prequel (Theories of Matter, Space, and Time: Classical Theories) grew out of courses that are taught by the authors on the undergraduate degree program in physics at Southampton University, UK. The authors aim to guide the full MPhys undergraduate cohort through some of the trickier areas of theoretical physics that undergraduates are expected to master. To move beyond the initial courses in classical mechanics, special relativity, electromagnetism and quantum theory to more sophisticated views of these subjects and their interdependence. This approach keeps the analysis as concise and physical as possible whilst revealing the key elegance in each subject discussed. This second book of the pair looks at ideas to the arena of Quantum Mechanics. First quickly reviewing the basics of quantum mechanics which should be familiar to the reader from a first course, it then links the Schrodinger equation to the Principle of Least Action introducing Feynman's path integral methods. Next, it presents the relativistic wave equations of Klein, Gordon and Dirac. Finally, Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism are converted to a wave equation for photons and make contact with Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) at a first quantized level. Between the two volumes the authors hope to move a student's understanding from their first courses to a place where they are ready to embark on graduate level courses on quantum field theory.

    Theories of Matter, Space and Time

    Nick Evans

    This book and its sequel (Theories of Matter Space and Time: Quantum Theories) are taken from third and fourth year undergraduate Physics courses at Southampton University, UK. The aim of both books is to move beyond the initial courses in classical mechanics, special relativity, electromagnetism, and quantum theory to more sophisticated views of these subjects and their interdependence. The goal is to guide undergraduates through some of the trickier areas of theoretical physics with concise analysis while revealing the key elegance of each subject. The first chapter introduces the key areas of the principle of least action, an alternative treatment of Newtownian dynamics, that provides new understanding of conservation laws. In particular, it shows how the formalism evolved from Fermat's principle of least time in optics. The second introduces special relativity leading quickly to the need and form of four-vectors. It develops four-vectors for all kinematic variables and generalize Newton's second law to the relativistic environment; then returns to the principle of least action for a free relativistic particle. The third chapter presents a review of the integral and differential forms of Maxwell's equations before massaging them to four-vector form so that the Lorentz boost properties of electric and magnetic fields are transparent. Again, it then returns to the action principle to formulate minimal substitution for an electrically charged particle.