If you are looking for a way to make your final working years better than all that have come before, this book is for you. Bestselling author and innovative career and life consultant Nancy Anderson understands the uncertainty and anxiety that crop up in midlife. She knows firsthand that family pressures, cultural conditioning, and the need for money drive many people to stay in unsatisfying jobs and careers. Anderson demonstrates that it is never too late to rewrite your life story so that it aligns with values that bring fulfillment and money. She offers exercises to get you started as well as inspirational stories that will remind you just how good life can be when you pursue work you love.
In this twentieth anniversary edition of her perennial bestseller, Nancy Anderson shows readers how following their passion to find their special niche is the most effective and rewarding approach to business and career success. Work with Passion follows the step-by-step program Anderson implements in her career counseling practice, carefully guiding readers through each stage. The program follows the ten “Passion Secrets” of successful people, and topics include clarifying goals, trusting instincts, doing research, and meeting others who are passionate about their work. "I have found that we love to hear success stories,” Anderson writes, and each chapter tells those powerful stories of people who have overcome adversity and realized their dreams. Work with Passion has a wealth of inspirational guidance, from the broadest kinds of visionary encouragement to very practical tips on networking, developing a resume, and writing a query letter that gets results. This comprehensive course in career counseling is for everyone who would rather brag about their career than complain about their job.