Robert A. Webster

Список книг автора Robert A. Webster


    Robert A. Webster


    Robert A. Webster

    Un'avventura emozionante, imprevedibile, e a volte esilarante. Vi porta da un ristorante elegante di Londra alle giungle selvagge dei Monti Cardamomi, dove un pasticcere inglese e un rifugiato cambogiano cercano una famiglia scomparsa e tentano di trovare una pianta mitica, fonte di una spezia incredibile e unica. Ben Bakewell è un Maestro Pasticcere presso uno dei ristoranti più pregiati di Londra. Meglio noto come Cake, stringe amicizia con Ravuth, un rifugiato cambogiano fuggito dai campi di sterminio in Cambogia e scappato in Inghilterra negli anni 70 dagli Khmer Rossi che hanno depredato il suo paese. Da ragazzino Ravuth incappò in una pianta sconosciuta, la fonte di una spezia incredibile e unica. Venne separato dalla propria famiglia a causa degli Khmer Rossi, e trascorse la maggior parte della propria vita a cercarla, facendo ritorno in Cambogia insieme a Cake per mettersi sulle tracce della pianta rara e dei propri cari sperduti. Una volta giunti in Cambogia trovano un alleato in uno sventurato ex agente della DEA deciso a vendicarsi, il quale deve trovare la pianta per scopi ben più sinistri. Si addentrano nei meandri più remoti della spietata giungla dei monti Cardamomi, da dove ne escono vivi per miracolo. Troveranno la famiglia di Ravuth e la fantastica Spezia?


    Robert A. Webster

    Age is just a number and getting old doesn't mean you can't have fun. It just means you know how to get away with it… Viagra, Snuff, and Rock ‘n’ Roll Fossdyke Retirement Home has seen its fair share of quirky characters, but it’s never seen the likes of these four geriatric musicians who form a band called Fossils. Chaos erupts after winning a national competition, when a local DJ who entered their recording into the contest labels Fossils as a vibrant young rock band. Fearing the English press persecuting them and their families when they find out the truth, the four flee England until they can resolve their situation. Follow the madcap adventures of Britain’s most irreverently lovable elderly rockers as they trip, stumble, and fall into one situation after another while traveling around Southeast Asia evading adoring fans, journalists, and a ruthless record producer. Viagra, Snuff, and Rock ‘n’ Roll


    Robert A. Webster

    Cette quête exaltante, imprévisible et pourtant parfois hilarante, vous emmène depuis le confort d’un restaurant londonien branché jusqu’aux jungles sauvages des Montagnes Cardamomes, où un boulanger anglais et un réfugié cambodgien sont à la recherche d’une famille disparue et essaient de trouver une plante mythique, source d’une épice incroyable et unique. Ben Bakewell est maître-pâtissier dans l’un des restaurants les plus prestigieux de Londres. Plus connu sous le sobriquet de « Cake », il se prend d’amitié pour Ravuth, un réfugié des champs funestes du Cambodge qui a fui vers l’Angleterre dans les années 1970 lorsque les Khmers Rouges ont profané son pays. Tout jeune, Ravuth a trébuché sur une plante inconnue, source d’une épice incroyable et unique. Séparé de sa famille par les Khmers Rouges, et ayant passé la majorité de sa vie à les rechercher, Ravuth retourne au Cambodge avec Cake à la poursuite de cette plante rare et pour retrouver ses proches séparés. En arrivant au Cambodge, ils font équipe avec un ex-agent de la DEA (organisme américain de lutte contre la drogue) en disgrâce, avide de revanche, qui s’intéresse à la plante dans un but bien plus sinistre. Ils s’enfoncent dans les profondeurs de la jungle Cardamome, sauvage et impitoyable, d’où ils ressortiront tout juste vivants. Trouveront-ils la famille Ravuth et l’étonnante épice ?

    Blue Flame

    Robert A. Webster

    This fast-pace Supernatural Thriller takes you from battles raging beneath turbulent seas to the dark stillness of space, where mortals, angels, and demons, battle to mold the populus of planet earth. Death comes to us all; whatever creed, colour, religion, or gender we are, it is an inescapable fact. For most of us, our work on this mortal plane is over, but for thefew, their job has just begun. Introducing, P.A.T.H., Paranormal Assisted Treasure Hunters; three psychically gifted individuals brought together to form a powerful mediatory force between the Mortal World and the Spiritual Plane. Assisted by their spirit protectors and commissioned by lost souls, they find treasures hidden by the souls during their lifetime which they give to their mortal beneficiaries. This fast-paced supernatural thriller follows a sinister plot planned during World War 2 and instigated in the present day, as the team need to discover the connection between the demon spirit of the twentieth century’s greatest despot and his son, the current US President, in Book 1 Return of The Reich. In its race to discover another planet to colonise for its overstretched population, humanity overlooked one thing. When a planetary event occurs around planet earth, the Afterlife Guardians send the PATH team on three quests, the outcome of which will determine the fate of humankind. Should they succeed, people will continue with their safe but chaotic existence However, failure could be a terrifying, yet necessary option, in this gripping climax – book 2, Covenant of the Gods


    Robert A. Webster

    This thrilling, unpredictable, yet sometimes hilarious quest, takes you from the fashionable London restaurant scene to the wild untamed jungles of the Cardamom Mountains, where an English baker and a Cambodian refugee search for a missing family and try to find a mythical plant, source of an incredible and unique spice. Ben Bakewell is the Master Pâtissier at one of London’s most prestigious restaurants. Better known as Cake, he befriends Ravuth, a refugee from the killing fields of Cambodia who fled to England in the 1970’s as the Khmer Rouge ravished his country. As a youngster, Ravuth stumbled across an unknown plant, the source of an incredible and unique spice. Separated from his family by the Khmer Rouge, and having spent the majority of his life trying to trace them, Ravuth returns to Cambodia with Cake to seek the rare plant and find his missing loved ones. Arriving in Cambodia, they team up with a disgraced ex-DEA agent bent on revenge and needs to find the plant for purposes that are far more sinister. They furrow into the deepest parts of the untamed, unforgiving, Cardamom jungle where they barely come out alive. Will they find Ravuth’s family and the amazing Spice