Fran Sánchez

Список книг автора Fran Sánchez


    Fran Sánchez

    A great catastrophe desolates your city. An intense blinding light shines in the sky for a few moments. Almost every inhabitant has been blinded, only a few manage to escape the situation. Imagine yourself afflicted, in a country filled with blind people, everything lost in the most absolute darkness, lost in the middle of the city or at home. Not a single public service works. There is no one there to aid you. Uncover the origin of the catastrophe and the final fate of the protagonists. Blog Cegados por los libros.

    Blinded Part III

    Fran Sánchez

    A great catastrophe desolates your city. An intense blinding light shines in the sky for a few moments. Almost every inhabitant has been blinded, only a few manage to escape the situation. Imagine yourself afflicted, in a country filled with blind people, everything lost in the most absolute darkness, lost in the middle of the city or at home. Not a single public service works. There is no one there to aid you. Uncover the origin of the catastrophe and the final fate of the protagonists. Blog Cegados por los libros.


    Fran Sánchez

    A great catastrophe desolates humanity. A strong blinding light flashes in the blue Mediterranean sky for an instant. Almost every inhabitant ends up blind, only a few manage to escape the event. The novel, divided into several stories, narrates how several characters live and react to this apocalyptic situation in different ways. Imagine yourself blind, everything in the most absolute darkness, lost in the middle of the city, or at home. Not a single public service working, no one there to help you…


    Fran Sánchez

    A great catastrophe desolates humanity. A strong blinding light flashes in the blue Mediterranean sky for an instant. Almost every inhabitant ends up blind, only a few manage to escape the event. The novel, divided into several stories, narrates how several characters live and react to this apocalyptic situation in different ways. Imagine yourself blind, everything in the most absolute darkness, lost in the middle of the city, or at home. Not a single public service working, no one there to help you…


    Fran Sánchez

    Una gran catástrofe asola a tu ciudad. Una intensa luz cegadora ilumina por unos instantes el cielo. Casi todos los habitantes se han quedado ciegos, solo unos pocos logran escapar a esa situación. Imagínate afectado, en un país entero de ciegos, todo en el más absoluto negro, perdido en medio de la ciudad o en casa. Ningún servicio público funciona, ¿nadie para socorrerte? Descubre el origen de esta catástrofe y el destino final de los protagonistas.

    Cegados Parte II

    Fran Sánchez

    Una gran catástrofe asola a la humanidad. Una intensa luz cegadora ilumina por unos instantes el cielo azul mediterráneo. Casi todos los habitantes se quedan ciegos, solo unos pocos logran escapar a esta situación. La novela, dividida en varias historias, narra cómo viven y reaccionan de forma diferente varios personajes en esta situación apocalíptica. Imagínate ciego, todo en el más absoluto negro, perdido en medio de la ciudad o en casa. Ningún servicio público funciona, nadie para socorrerte…