Wanda Montanelli

Список книг автора Wanda Montanelli

    Ich Bin Doch Nur Ein Kind

    Wanda Montanelli

    250 Millionen Frauen weltweit wurden vor ihrem 15. Lebensjahr verheiratet, 700 Millionen vor dem Erreichen ihrer Volljährigkeit. Sie werden als Objekte an Erwachsene verkauft, die in der Regel viel älter sind als sie, oft sogar an Greise. Viele von ihnen bekommen schon Kinder, obwohl sie selbst noch Kinder sind. Diese Mädchen erleiden schwersten Missbrauch, sie sind Opfer von Pädophilie. Die psychischen und physischen Auswirkungen für die Mädchen sind verheerend: schwere Krankheiten wie HIV und psychische Störungen sind die Folge, so wie durch Teenagerschwangerschaften verursachte Krankheiten bis hin zu einer hohen Zahl geburtsbedingter Todesfälle von Mutter und Kind. Doch es gibt Hoffnung. Dieses Buch erzählt auch die Geschichten vieler kleiner und großer Helden, die sich unermüdlich gegen diese schwerwiegenden Missstände engagieren. Die weltweit tätige Organisation „Girls Not Brides“ hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Kinderheiraten bis zum Jahr 2030 vollständig abzuschaffen.

    I'M Only A Child

    Wanda Montanelli

    Child brides sold as objects, with a rite of marriage or a simple exchange of money, to people of adult age, suffer real abuse, an act which aids paedophilia. The stories told in this book are true, they took place in Africa, India, Yemen, Niger, Pakistan, Syria, Mexico; places where, due to poverty, war, famine, it becomes customary for parents to sell their daughters to adult suitors in exchange for money. The social denouncement aims of the #maipiùsposebambine [no more child brides] inquiry are empowered by the author’s collaboration, through the Osservatorio Onerpo [National and European monitoring centre for the safeguarding of equal opportunities] of which she is vice president, with the Girls Not Brides organisation, which, with a significant global partnership programme, plans to totally abolish forced marriage by 2030. Child brides sold as objects, with a rite of marriage or a simple exchange of money, to people of adult age, suffer real abuse, an act which aids paedophilia. The parties responsible are the families, which oblige their daughters to enter into forced marriages, and the men, who ”buy” a child: as a wife-slave-sexual object. The stories told in this book are true, they took place in Africa, India, Yemen, Niger, Pakistan, Syria, Mexico; places where, due to poverty, war, famine, it becomes customary for parents to sell their daughters to adult suitors in exchange for money. The psychological and physical effects are devastating for girls torn from childhood and forced into marriage: from serious diseases like HIV, medical conditions caused by teenage pregnancies, psychiatric disorders, through to a high incidence of childbirth related deaths of both mother and baby. The social denouncement aims of the #maipiùsposebambine [no more child brides] inquiry uphold the belief that joint efforts to combat the phenomenon of child marriage will further the development of an awareness by all the stakeholders: family, schools, governmental institutions. To actively contribute towards solving this serious problem the author collaborates, through the Osservatorio Onerpo [National and European monitoring centre for the safeguarding of equal opportunities] of which she is vice president, with the Girls Not Brides organisation, which, with a significant global partnership programme, plans to totally abolish forced marriage by 2030.