If reducing your college costs are appealing to you then CLEP offers a way to do that by testing out of a requirement or even an elective. When you answer 50% correct your college will not charge you for the course so that much is FREE! Is that a few hundred or even a thousand dollars back in your pocket plus the interest over seven years on that money! The bonus is you also fast track out of college or take more of the courses you may find even more appealing or advanced. It is a total win to save time and money with the trusted XAMonline test prep, the CLEP specialist company. Check your college requirements and if you can fit one or more of these tests to meet those requirements you will earn up to 3 credits per test and that is smart money and use of time. There are no prerequisites to taking the test, just confidence and subject matter expertise, regardless of how you acquired it. The following tests are included in the CLEP Science – book 5 1. CLEP Natural Science 2. CLEP Biology 3. CLEP Chemistry If you have determined that science is one of your stronger areas of expertise then this product affords you a unique opportunity to compare tests within subject matter category. Discover full length tests with full explanations, all available as eBooks or print books. Each sample test goes thru a process so that standards are covered and weighted and the end result is that you get the true to format and true to test experience. Each test has not only an answer key but also a detailed explanations. These are two advantages over the College Board products which are neither full length or have explanations. To augment the sample tests XAMonline offers – AP Psychology full study guide and AP US History.
If reducing your college costs are appealing to you then CLEP offers a way to do that by testing out of a requirement or even an elective. When you answer 50% correct your college will not charge you for the course so that much is FREE! Is that a few hundred or even a thousand dollars back in your pocket plus the interest over seven years on that money! The bonus is you also fast track out of college or take more of the courses you may find even more appealing or advanced. It is a total win to save time and money with the trusted XAMonline test prep, the CLEP specialist company. Check your college requirements and if you can fit one or more of these tests to meet those requirements you will earn up to 3 credits per test and that is smart money and use of time. There are no prerequisites to taking the test, just confidence and subject matter expertise, regardless of how you acquired it. The following tests are included in the CLEP Literature – book 1 1. CLEP Human Growth and Development 2. CLEP Introductory Psychology 3. CLEP Introductory Sociology 4. Social Sciences and History If you have determined that sociology is one of your stronger areas of expertise then this product affords you a unique opportunity to compare tests within subject matter category. Discover full length tests with full explanations, all available as eBooks or print books. Each sample test goes thru a process so that standards are covered and weighted and the end result is that you get the true to format and true to test experience. Each test has not only an answer key but also a detailed explanations. These are two advantages over the College Board products which are neither full length or have explanations.
If reducing your college costs are appealing to you then CLEP offers a way to do that by testing out of a requirement or even an elective. When you answer 50% correct your college will not charge you for the course so that much is FREE! Is that a few hundred or even a thousand dollars back in your pocket plus the interest over seven years on that money! The bonus is you also fast track out of college or take more of the courses you may find even more appealing or advanced. It is a total win to save time and money with the trusted XAMonline test prep, the CLEP specialist company. Check your college requirements and if you can fit one or more of these tests to meet those requirements you will earn up to 3 credits per test and that is smart money and use of time. There are no prerequisites to taking the test, just confidence and subject matter expertise, regardless of how you acquired it. The following tests are included in the CLEP History – book 3 (of 7) 1. CLEP American Government 2. CLEP History of US 1 3. CLEP History of US 2 4. Western Civilization 1 5. Western Civilization 2 If you have determined that history is one of your stronger areas of expertise then this product affords you a unique opportunity to compare tests within subject matter category. Discover full length tests with full explanations, all available as eBooks or print books. Each sample test goes thru a process so that standards are covered and weighted and the end result is that you get the true to format and true to test experience. Each test has not only an answer key but also a detailed explanations. These are two advantages over the College Board products which are neither full length or have explanations.
XAMonline makes seven unique CLEP subject guides. The CLEP Language Series is book 2 which features all three full length CLEP sample tests with detailed explanations for Spanish, French and German. This information is conveniently collected in one study guide so you can gain efficiency in your preparation time. A more concentrated approach would also include XAMonline’s Spanish full study guide that includes content as well as additional sample tests. Learn what thousands of college students know and please spread the word….CLEP OUT and save time and money. By using this product you will be able to assess the difficulty of three language tests. XAMonline, your CLEP Specialist, offers CLEP Language Series which includes three languages and three full length tests with full explanations. As a bonus, XAMonline has made audios for Spanish which will be available soon from our website at no additional charge. Each sample test goes thru a process so that standards are covered and weighted and the end result is that you get the true to format experience. Note, the College Board products are not full length and do have explanations or audio features. Learn what thousands of college students know and please spread the word….CLEP OUT and save time and money.
For those parents and students who thought college was unaffordable there is a remedy, yes even free college courses! Not only will passing a CLEP exam get you out of a course you will also get the college credits on your transcripts. Even more astounding the tests only require a 50% score. XAMonline full study guides will give you 100% confidence. CLEP has been around for twenty years and is the most popular credit by examination program. The CLEP program has 33 unique tests but among those CLEP College Composition is the favorite. You should already have taken high school English as a senior in high school. Your training should have included writing essays, and had exposure to writing skills which include revision and the ability to use resources as source material. The XAMonline provides the perfect fit of content which covers the unique chapters only found in this special guide and provides the true to test experience with multiple sample exams. Since there are three credits on the line you will want to invest your time in reviewing for the test, not only because you want to pass the test but because CLEP College Composition is one of those essential courses that you use in any professional job where you have to communicate in a written form. Sample test experience Time management is one goal of test prep. Get acquainted with the directions and the format. The XAMonline sample test experience will expose you to each question type, and cover the range of topics which are distributed and weighted just like the test. XAMonline sample tests are simple to use and understand so that you just don’t test yourself, you have a place to find the answers back inside the content. Tell your friends and family Those high school students who may be your family and friends can take the CLEP too. You are never too old or too young to take a CLEP. So get started today and save time and money. Save on the CLEP Composition and Modular test.
Your job will be to test drive your knowledge in Chemistry to see if you can answer 50% correctly. Next, use the detailed answers to improve. If you decide you are ready, check to see that your college offers the credits, generally 3 credits. Your accomplishment not only means you don’t have to take that course, you actually fill your major’s requirements. Once you see how easy it is to test out with a 50% cut score, you’re going to want to graduate early. If you take 5 CLEP exams, you can skip one semester. In FL state schools, you can CLEP up to 75% of your courses to obtain a two year degree. These CLEP credits are transferable to a four year degree.
CLEP tests are factual and are easier than SATs which are more in depth. Advanced Placement (AP) exams cover the same topics but are far more difficult.
Courses are not offered for CLEP therefore, you can use self-study guides to review. XAMonline makes a full content guide for the following exams -
CLEP College Algebra: 9781607875598 CLEP College Composition/Modular: 9781607875277 CLEP Spanish: 9781607875284 CLEP Biology: 9781607875314 CLEP Mathematics: 9781607875321 CLEP Introductory Psychology: 9781607875291
Chances are you are interested in these two tests, AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC. XAMonline combined them into one book so you can save money and time. This product has four sample tests, two for each exam plus a mini course that gets you last minute test drive for the test. The full study guide is organized with each Big Idea in mind, essential knowledge explained, enduring understandings and learning objective examples. No other study guide gets this granular. This organizational structure Dr. Thomas Mattson, graduate from RPI, gives you 450 pages of practice. You can go directly to any of the four chapters and review in any order you feel best helps you to fill your personal gaps in knowledge.
Prepare for the 2017 AP Biology Exam with the updated study guide from XAMonline! This comprehensive study guide has been formatted to correspond to the four Big Ideas described by the College Board: evolution, energy, information, and systems. Expert knowledge and real world scientific experience allowed the authors to not only include the necessary review of the basic content, but also the intertwined fundamental ideas underlying biology. The full-length practice tests have been designed to focus on complex questions that require critical thinking and problem solving – similar to those on the actual AP Biology exam. Highlights include: • 2 full-length practice tests and answer keys • End-of-chapter practice quizzes and answer keys • Explanations for answers to all multiple choice and free-response questions • End-of-chapter summary and list of keywords for important concepts • Illustrations throughout to give additional support to the learning experience
For those parents and students who thought college was unaffordable there is a remedy, yes even free college courses! Not only will passing a CLEP exam get you out of a course you will also get the college credits on your transcripts. Even more astounding the tests only require a 50% score. XAMonline full study guides will give you 100% confidence. CLEP has been around for twenty years and is the most popular credit by examination program. The CLEP program has 33 unique tests but among those CLEP College Composition is the favorite. You should already have taken high school English as a senior in high school. Your training should have included writing essays, and had exposure to writing skills which include revision and the ability to use resources as source material. The XAMonline provides the perfect fit of content which covers the following: Molecular and cellular biology, Organismal biology, and population biology. Since there are three credits on the line you will want to invest your time in reviewing for the test, not only because you want to pass the test but because CLEP Biology is a foundational course upon which all life sciences expand. If you took AP or SAT Biology and did not get the credits this is a great fall back plan. Sample test experience Time management is one goal of test prep. Get acquainted with the directions and the format. The XAMonline sample test experience will expose you to each question type, and cover the range of topics.
Are you thinking of taking psychology as a major or minor in college? Take a test drive with the CLEP Psychology exam and for 80 dollars you may be pleased to learn you now have three credits on your transcript. Like all 33 CLEP tests not only will passing a CLEP Psychology exam get you out of a course you will also get the college credits on your transcripts. Even more astounding the tests only require a 50% score. Perhaps your goal is to fast track out of the college experience and leap into the upper divisions that much quicker. A psychology degree is typically a master’s level program at a minimum. The professional way to study for this test is with resource material such as XAMonline CLEP Psychology full length study guide. It was written by one MD, one Ph.D, and one Masters level Psychologist which means it was concisely written so the essential material is conveniently brought into your living room for the next few weeks. All the multiple choice questions are full length tests and are weighted properly covering all aspects of the test. They also have the answers explained so you can learn as you go too. XAMonline full study guide for CLEP Psychology will prepare you for the test. It gives you more confidence because you will know both content and have sample test experiences. CLEP has been around for twenty years and is the most popular credit by examination program. The CLEP program has 33 unique tests but among those CLEP Psychology test is popular favorite especially among those in the humanities who took a high school course or even sat for the Advanced Placement Psychology test. If you got a 3 or 4 on that test you may not have got the college credit you had hoped for and this test provides a fall back in that situation. Written to the test There are twelve areas covered on this test so it is very comprehensive. The nature of the questions are factual and the level of difficulty is similar to advanced placement exams.