Wavecrest Imprint

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    Wavecrest Imprint

    Race pimping has cost America TRILLIONS of dollars, as the money in race guilt is fantastic. Politicians line their pockets and those of family and friends, while delivering little to nothing to their constituents or the community at large.


    Don’t know whether to buy this book or not, then you are a racist sellout! Just kidding. But it does mean you are likely cheap, and not to go all Shawshank on you, but salvation lies within!

    To help you get over the hump, here are a few excerpts to ponder:

    "The money in diversity is enormous, even bigger than former sportscaster turned political pundit turned sportscaster Keith Olbermann’s ego."

    "Wouldn’t you like to be a “reverend” and father children out of wedlock without repercussions? If you study hard, this book will teach you how to have your non-profit organization pay your mistress and your child support – all at the same time."

    "You must be so black that if you eat sushi, watch reruns of Dawson’s Creek and Friends, or enjoy the ballet, you will hang yourself."

    "Everything your constituency does or think must be viewed through the very narrow prism of blackness. They must talk black, walk black, think black, read black, eat black, drink black, dress black, smell black, sneeze black, cough black, yawn black, surf the Internet black, and even urinate black. Failure to do so has consequences."


    Other books written by Kevin Jackson: • The BIG Black Lie: How I Learned The Truth About The Democrat Party • Sexy Brilliance: …and other political lies!

    From the Dog's Mouth

    Wavecrest Imprint

    When a seventy-something astrologer, well-known for his razor-sharp intuition and celestial insights, decides to get his first dog, he is in for the surprise of his life. You see, this Fox Terrier turns out to be a healer and a mind-reader. And the dog talks to his owner. Join the journey of Mr. Darby and his owner whom he calls a lot of descriptive names as they both make major adjustments to each other.
    Like how to get Mr. Darby not to poo and pee in the house; fights about eating schedules–but most stand-offs are about control and manipulation.
    Just when you think you've heard everything, this 3 year-old terrier will have you laughing at yourself, crying in some parts and you might even get rip roaring mad with his political bias. You'll meet Scott and his dog Riggs who becomes Mr. Darby's best friend.
    Mr. D. will tell you who he thinks is going to be the next President of the United States and why.
    This Wire Fox Terrier has the solution for the economic problems around the world.
    He'll tell you about his past lives and why he chose his present owner. Although his Dada (yes, another name he calls his owner) has written many books and has a well-respected career as a counselor and media personality, Mr. Darby wants you to know that From the Dog's Mouth is his book and not Mister G.'s. Let me be upfront from first growl: I refer to my lord and master as Daddy or Dada because although he has never had a pet or raised two-legged kids, he has done his best to whip me into shape, make me abide by his rules and do what I am told. Sometimes I call him mon père or il mio papà, even simply Mister G. He and I have become co-healers in his practice as a therapist. He counsels thousands of men, women and children as an intuitive, using Carl Jung and astrology to wring the truth out of them, and to tell them what the world looks like through his lens. Thank God Dada learned how to read my mind, or as his momma Maggie would say, “listen to me,” so he could channel my thoughts for this book.