The recession is merely a transitional moment in change from the old Industrial Age to the new Innovation Age. Inside these pages, you will discover how you can protect yourself from financial disaster and position yourself to profit from the wealth of new opportunities being created by the global economic change.
You can continue dumping money into a 401(K), trying to gain appreciation and borrow against equity in your home, putting cash in the bank, etc. – all of the post Depression strategies for gaining personal wealth that your balance sheet will clearly show you no longer work; or you can accept that the world as we know it has changed forever, and therefore the methods we use to create wealth must change along with it.
Unlike some authors that do second hand research or interview others to get the material for their book, Heru Nekhet got his material from hard won, firsthand experience. Just like all Americans, Nekhet suffered massive losses when the economic storm now known as the Great Recession hit the world. He used the techniques he reveals in this book to climb out of the ashes and find new ways to prosper in the new economy.
Recession Driven Riches reveals, for the first time how You can begin to think like a global investor/entrepreneur, become familiar with the latest technological advances and position yourself to profit at lightning speed by identifying new opportunities and taking advantage of them quickly, inexpensively and with little risk.