What if you were dropped in the woods with little more than a knife, your wits, and the (hopefully warm) shirt on your back? Could you survive? If you’d read this book, the answer is yes!
Survival! It’s one of our most primal fears, most basic needs. What do you do when everything is stripped away except your will to prevail? In this book, survival expert Tim MacWelch examines how native peoples around the world and throughout history have made their own shelter, weapons, tools, and more, and well as clever MacGuyver-esque ideas for using anything you might find in your pockets or pack. Whether your goal is to test yourself against nature, be prepared for any catastrophe, or learn more about traditional ways of survival, this is the one book you need.
CHAPTER ONE: Bare Necessities – The stuff you need to survive short term wilderness emergencies (72 hours to one week)
The Survival Priorities (& why you need them) Shelter, water, fire, food, first aid and signaling distress Tools of the Minimalist Knife, Axe and Saw – use and care; Clothing selection Shelters Pick a safe shelter location; How to build Leaf huts, lean-tos, jungle platforms, thatched roof, log huts, wicki-ups, pit houses, and more (different homes for varied climates) Water Gathering and Disinfection Finding springs, boiling w/ hot rocks, rain and precipitation collection, water storage, primitive filters, water from plants Fire Tinder, Kindling, Fire Lays, Flint & Steel, Bow Drill, Hand Drill, Bamboo Fire Saw, Fire Plow, Pump Drill, and other friction methods Signaling for Help and Self-Rescue How to signal and communicate w/ old school techniques; How and when to fight your way out CHAPTER TWO: Finer Things – Skills and techniques to collect food, and live more comfortably in the wild (weeks to months)
Foraging for Wild Edible Plants How to identify and use wild plant foods; Recipes like our ancestors would have eaten Trapping Ways to catch game with new and old school, low-tech traps Primitive Fishing How to catch fish with thorns and other improvised tackle Ancient Weapons Bow and arrow, spear, Spear thrower, Bola and sling, primitive forging of metal Hunting Skills and game processing; 10 things to never do on a hunt Primitive Tools How to make stone blades, knives, axes, stone drill bits, mallets and wedges for wood splitting, digging sticks Hygiene Keeping clean; Natural toilet paper; Soap from plants; DIY latrine CHAPTER THREE: Long Term Living – The skills of our ancestors and the things you'd need for long term primitive living (years)
Food Storage Drying, smoking, Food Caches, Freezing Containers How to make several different basket styles; Bark containers; Wooden bowls; Soapstone bowls and pots; Primitive ceramics Hides and Furs DIY buckskin, fur, rawhide and leather; Making clothes and outerwear (moccasins, mittens, hats, etc.) Primitive Cooking Cook in the coals; Spits and skewers; Green stick grill; Rock for frying pan; Stone Ovens, Steam pit, Earth over (in-ground hearth system) Tracking Man tracking and animal tracking Natural Navigation How to find your way by using the stars, the landscape, the weather and many other methods Wild Medicine Teas, compresses and poultices to help you heal
For anyone who has ever dreamed of leaving it all behind and heading for the hills, survival expert and three-time New York Times bestselling author, Tim MacWelch, makes that a reality with How to Survive Off the Grid. Concrete, useful hints cover everything from raising chickens in your urban backyard to going totally off the grid in your all-solar log cabin.
A guide for the modern homesteader this covers energy efficiency, finding and pumping your own water, keeping chickens, goats, bees, and other critters, and much more from a practical hands-on perspective.
GET THERE Decide how far off the grid you want to get, choose your spot, and take the plunge (or adapt these hints to a more suburban or even urban lifestyle) Stake Your Claim Gimme Shelter Water or Life The Heat Is On Power Up
LIVE THERE Ensure you have enough to eat on a daily basis, and all year round. More than Meals Veggies for All Fruits and Nuts Amber Waves of Grain Backyard Critters Get Your Goat Have a Cow, Man Fish & Bugs
SURVIVE THERE Eat nature's bounty, build a safe house and nurse yourself back to health The Long Haul Hunt & Fish Level Up Safe as Houses Be Your own Doctor Bug Out! Into the Wild
When the tornado strikes, when the solar flares blaze, when the zombies rise . . . what are you going to do? So many possible disasters, so little time to prepare. The end could be coming any day now, and you’ve got to be ready for the everyday threats such as an earthquake or hurricane, as well as those “well I didn’t see that coming” eventualities like a meteor strike or a killer virus. This all-purpose A to Z guide lays out the survival situations we’re all likely to face . . . and a few you really probably won’t.
How to Survive Anything deftly balances the survival basics that you really do need to know with the wild and crazy eventualities that you probably don’t. But, on the other hand, who do you want in your bunker? The guy who read up on coping with a total grid failure or the one who didn’t?
Author Tim MacWelch lead survival classes and is th author of the bestselling Prepare for Anything Survival Manual and the Hunting and Gathering Survival Manual. He's the guy you want on you side when it all goes down, and having his book is the next best thing.
The modern hunter-gatherer's manual for learning important wilderness skills, surviving tough situations, and getting back to the land. Harvest nature's bounty and turn it into a gourmet meal; hunt and fish in the wild, with weapons or with your own two hands; and prepare for any outdoor adventure or emergency, whether you're lost in the woods or in need of herbal medicine. This book identifies it all, with step-by-step instructions and skills to make you a self-sufficient survivor—in your backyard and in the wild.
Be Prepared. Be a Survivor.
Are you preparing for the collapse of society? If so, you are definitely not alone. In this timely follow-up to The Ultimate Survival Manual, Prepare for Anything is packed with hundreds of gear, skills, and survival tips and strategies to help you be ready for anything, from economic collapse and terrorism to natural disasters and government surveillance.
All over America, families are transforming spare rooms into long-term storage pantries, planting survival gardens, unplugging from the grid, converting their homes to alternative sources of energy, taking self-defense courses, and stocking up on just about everything and anything imaginable. So what are all of these people preparing for?
The motivations may vary, but the general consensus is that our world is becoming increasingly unstable, and there are a whole host of civilization-endangering events to be concerned about. Outdoor Life: Prepare for Anything will take you through these potential threats and teach you how to become prepared for them, from how to strategize and the right gear to your actions in the wake of a disaster—or simply how to get back to the land and become less dependent on the system. This is the book for the growing prepper movement, with hands-on hints, easy-to-use checklists, and engaging first-person stories to break down the crucial do’s and don’ts, educate yourself on various threats, and help to ensure that you ride out whatever Mother Nature, the government, foreign powers, or modern society can throw at you. Includes vital information on: • How to Prepare Skills to know in order to prep for a natural disaster, economic collapse, or societal restructuring. • Stock Up What should be in your house, pantry, basement, bunker, and go-bag. • What to Do How to handle yourself and your family in the wake of disaster, from creating a plan to leading your neighborhood watch.
COVID-19 has changed the world and touched the lives of millions. Yet this may be just the first of a potentially terrifying wave of new and lethal pandemics that Governments are ill equipped to handle. New York Times Bestselling author Tim MacWelch and FEMA certified survival expert Joseph Pred provide expert and proven advice that can save you and your family when no-one else can. Learn how to create your own facemasks, stock your pantry, and quarantine safely in your own home. With over 150 clearly illustrated survival tips, The Essential Pandemic Survival Guide is the best way that you can protect your family from the lethal impact of a global pandemic.