Chungliang Al Huang

Список книг автора Chungliang Al Huang

    Quantum Soup

    Chungliang Al Huang

    Peppered with a delicate mix of wisdom and humor, this new and enlarged edition of Quantum Soup is a light-hearted yet informative combination of happy anecdotes and traditional Chinese sensibilities in a Western setting. Every mini-essay is accompanied by the author's calligraphy and illustrations, including those making their appearance for the very first time. 'Quantum Soup is a gourmet preparation of philosophical snaps and snails, sharks' fins and puppy dogs' tails to tickle the sophisticated palate and provoke happy, healthful belly laughs. Confucius say: «Number One good recipe!»' – Joseph Campbell 'Like sunlight, Chungliang Al Huang's delicate mix of wisdom and humor comes in discrete energy packets (quanta) but gives continuous pleasure and nourishment.' – Fritjof Capra 'Take the humour of Buddha, connecting with the universal soul you have Chungliang Al Huang and Quantum Soup!' – Virginia Satir 'Quantum Soup is an elegant, wise and playful expression of Taoist and Zen Buddhist sensibilities in a Western setting – a philosophical entertainment with a collection of anecdotes, aphorisms and koan-like ruminations, all served up in appetizer portions.' – Los Angeles Times 'Take the pungence of hot and sour, the homeyness of chicken, the excitement of gespacho, the refreshment of vichyssoise – flamboyantly seasoned with loving humor and eternality and an empty bowl – ahhhh – Quantum Soup!' – Ram Dass '"Better for the guest to wait for the food, than for the food to wait for the guest," says a Chinese proverb. Many guests at the banquet of books have been eagerly awaiting this new and enlarged edition of Quantum Soup. Their expectations will be surpassed. Chungliang Al Huang is an all-star chef for the finest appetites of heart and soul.' – Brother David Steindl-Rast

    Chinese Symbols for Baby Brains

    Chungliang Al Huang

    Babies love to look at high contrast colors and patterns. Research has shown that a baby's developing retina sees bold color contrasts best; all around the world, black and white and red are babies' favorite colors! Babies also seek out geometric shapes, especially circles, which readily captivate their interest. The calligraphy symbols in this book not only introduce the beauty of Chinese language but are specifically designed to capture a baby's visual attention. They were created to naturally attract a baby's gaze in order to increase visual attention and stimulate brain development.

    Tai Ji Dancing for Kids

    Chungliang Al Huang

    With simple and evocative words, calligraphy, and home photos of the words in action, grandfather and granddaughter team Chungliang and Sylvia bring the spirit of Tai Ji to life. Written and conceived by Master Chungliang Al Huang, in collaboration with his granddaughter, Sylvie, it brings to life the five elements underpinning Chinese thought – Earth, Fire, Water, Wood, and Metal – and how they can be simply and instinctively expressed through the body. Making Tai Ji fun and simple, with the possibility of learning through repetition, the book offers a wonderful foundation for developing intuitive understanding and is a great way of keeping kids active, and improving their wellbeing and mindfulness.