James Bèyor

Список книг автора James Bèyor

    Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage

    James Bèyor

    Genesis Sabotage is the first journal in the Guarded Hearts trilogy. Mankind is suffering. No one will deny that, but why? The human mind is in a precarious state of confusion, the result of a biological event that man perpetrated upon men centuries ago. We are each the deliberate victim of an inherited sensory sabotage. This journal introduces the reader to 320 definitive statements that will awaken your consciousness in preparation for the restoration of your genesis being.<br><br>Mr. Beyor encourages us to return to, or rather discover for the first time, our own internal, individual, central voice clarity, defining your own living truth and exposing the lies you have been taught through forced cooperation. This must be done if humanity is to survive. IT BEGINS AND ENDS WITH YOU!

    The RIP

    James Bèyor

    The Quest: To pass through conscript meaning, enter the emotional-sensorial parallel, feel deeply and bring forth the full essence of whole consciousness.<br><br>Born With Five Perfectly Balanced Senses, the human mind is bathed in dynamic sensing. In mathematical terms, this represents five to the fifth power conscious awareness. Are you aware that the creature-being exists within an encoded/emotional first voice that is immediately activated at birth?<br><br>Is Fear Your Friend or Enemy? When fear is your enemy, you lose<br>your essence. Did you know that knowledge has no essence?<br><br>Do You Think Your Feelings Belong To You? They do not&ndash;via psychological implant, losses or gains are predetermined circumstances governed by the word sanction given to others.<br><br>What Makes The Idea Of Truth a Hypocrisy? Can you define fact as<br>anything more than mental impasse or define truth as more than<br>paradoxical conscription?<br><br>The Word&ndash;Language is a mono-dimensional syllabus and noun-verb<br>inversion that is unfit for an essenced creature&ndash;the human<br>being. Are you using your first voice to access total consciousness<br>rather than remembering performance-rated acts? How do<br>you stimulate and use this natural treasure? Once you learn how<br>to enter the world of emotion… your feelings will evolve and<br>take flight!<br><br>The RIP will remain as one of the most important, fresh and poignant works to eclipse this century.<br><br>Until you read The RIP, who and what you are will never be as clear.

    The Abyss

    James Bèyor

    Have you ever asked yourself why human beings are compelled to agree? Is it in our organic human nature to gather in like-minded groups and segregate ourselves from others with dissimilar opinions? Why do we feel the need to call ourselves good or right, believing only we have a firm grasp of the truth, while we label those not like us as bad or wrong? Is it possible that our compulsion to agree is an elaborate man-made control mechanism, rooted in fear?<br><br>James Beyor points out in The Abyss, the second book in his Guarded Hearts trilogy, that we live in a dangerous time, where our agreements are causing us great mental and biological harm. Humankind is suffering from a bio-mental decrepitude. We have been duped into living out a symbolic replica of our human life potential.<br><br>Beyor points to an urgent need we must all address, which, if we do not, will bring about anther period of inquisition far more insane and destructive than has been suffered by men in the past. This inquisition will require secular obedience as defined by a government out of control. He points to many fundamental elements that foreshadow unparalleled atrocities inflicted on the mentally and biologically impaired human species.<br><br>This is not just another doomsday tale; it is a message of hope that we can, if we act now, reestablish our innate inner directed sense of all knowing built and begin again to live an authentic life.<br><br>The people of the world watch helplessly as our institutions falter in their insatiable struggle for dominance over the human race. We must reclaim individual clarity and wean ourselves from our dependency on agreements of symbols and words. <br><br>In the Beyor Journals you will come face to face with yourself and become aware of your own innate clarity; a genesis gift available to all those who have the courage to join then the great awakening; who claim their right to a living truth. You will never again wonder what is behind your successes and failures.