Sarah Jackson

Список книг автора Sarah Jackson

    An Instruction Manual for Guys: How to Help Your Partner After the Baby Is Born

    Sarah Jackson

    Lets be honest, as much as we would love them to, we are going to be hard pressed getting our partners to read a whole book on becoming a Dad. So instead we have come up with the perfect solution, a short, simple E-book on how guys can help out their partners after the birth of a child. <br><br>Even better still it&#39;s available on the devices that they spend most of their time on anyway, their computer, tablet or phone. <br><br>Finally men can get some direction as to what they can do to help their partners when the new baby comes home.<br><br>An Instruction Manual For Guys: How To Help Your Partner After The Baby Is Born, is the perfect baby shower gift for every expectant dad.

    5 Sing And Play Baby Songs - An Interactive Songbook For You And Your Baby

    Sarah Jackson

    &quot;5 Sing and Play Baby Songs&quot; is a compilation of five songs to sing to your little one. The songs are interactive, allowing you to involve your baby with some gentle actions. Singing the songs offers a great chance to have face-to-face time with your baby, whilst teaching them about various parts of their body and yours. Plus you get a chance to be silly together which is always lots of fun.