Michelle Inc. Steven

Список книг автора Michelle Inc. Steven

    Double Your Mind Power: Improve Concentration and Confidence With Power Within You

    Michelle Inc. Steven

    Everybody wants to be successful. We all want to be the person that gets noticed, and goes through life being strong and confident, no matter what comes their way. <br><br>This book will help you improve your way of thinking and to focus your concentration upon achieving your goals and to be the confident and successful person that you have always wanted to be. <br><br>You will learn to strengthen your willpower and your concentration in order to focus on your goals and not be distracted by the things that will only hold you back. You will learn to focus yourself on improving yourself so that you are more confident. <br><br>With confidence and concentration, you will be able to focus your life on achieving your goals and success will be yours. We will help you cast aside the negative thinking and help you pull your focus together to organize your life and your thinking to help you be the success that you were meant to be.

    Rewire Your Brain: The Power of Positive Thinking Books

    Michelle Inc. Steven

    Have you ever wondered why life seems to be so unfair and negative? <br><br>Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be naturally more positive and happy than others? <br><br>Would you be surprised if we told you that you could also be that happy? <br><br>It is true, without any gimmicks, expensive equipment, medicine, or special foods, you can also live your life feeling positive and being happy. The power to be less negative is already within you, it is within us all. <br><br>Learn how our minds and bodies are connected and how to use that to your advantage. We will walk you through how to recognize the negative thinking and how to replace it with positive thinking. Would you like to feel better, smile more, be better able to handle problems when they come up? <br><br>It is all within our book, and we would love to help make your world a happier place!

    Unlock the Secret to Manifesting Your Desires and Living in Abundance: The Power of Visualization

    Michelle Inc. Steven

    Everybody has wishes and desires. Sometimes no matter how hard you work, you just never seem to get the things that you want and what makes this so frustrating is that you see other people, who are not working as hard as you are, and they are getting their wishes fulfilled. <br><br>It is not magic, and although there are a few who have probably just been lucky enough to stumble over their hearts desires, luck is also not the cause of their success. <br><br>Chances are, those people are using a secret used by many, the secret that we are going to share with you in this book, the secret of the law of attraction, and how to use it to get the things that you want. If you want a better car, a new boat, more money, a raise, a better relationship, a new relationship, a new career or better health, the law of attraction will help you. <br><br>Stop wishing for things to happen; and make them happen. You have the power within you, your inner energy. We will show you how to tap into that resource and use to your benefit.