Theodore Brazeau

Список книг автора Theodore Brazeau

    The Luck of the Maya

    Theodore Brazeau

    About the story.... &#39;The Luck of the Maya&acirc; is an adventure with science fiction overtones and even a love interest. It takes place partly in the Pet&Atilde;&copy;n jungle of southern M&Atilde;&copy;xico, partly in Houston and Austin with side trips to Chicago and New York and occasionally Las Vegas.<br><br>The story is told from the perspective of 2017 and set mostly in the late 1970s, the important target date is December 21, 2012&mdash;the end of the 5126 year long-count cycle of the ancient Mayan Calendar&mdash;when unusual things have been predicted to happen.<br><br>There are Mayan Elders, gangsters, unpredictable hillbillies, an incredibly beautiful and highly trained Mayan operative, shrimp boats, treks through the jungle, death, and some weddings.