From the Introduction to the book:<br> <br>Life in Christ is really simple. But with Catholicism, there are so many great ways to live out that life in Christ. Think of it like an ice cream shop. The basics are chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. And those are great. Heck, I could eat chocolate ice cream for the rest of my life and be perfectly content.<br><br>But then I discover that there are other flavors out there. Not just a few, but hundreds. And as I sample other flavors, I discover that I like them as well. I'm not drawn to every flavor, but some I make a regular part of my ice cream diet. While an imperfect analogy, that's kind of what the Catholic faith is like. There are so many other things that may be a blessing to you. Mass and the Sacraments are the essentials. But what if you could broaden your horizons? Would you be willing to try a few other things? Like a novena, or the Rosary or Lectio Divina or Eucharistic adoration, etc.?<br><br>
A Minute in the Church: The Mass is the third book in Gus Lloyd's A Minute in the Church series. In this book, you'll find 51 one-minute teachings about the Catholic Mass. From the names of the vessels and vestments to the deeper meaning behind the rituals and gestures, this book will help Catholics and non-Catholics alike come to a greater understanding and deeper appreciation of the Mass…in a minute!
Many people have questions about the Catholic faith, both non-Catholic and Catholic alike. In A Minute in the Church Volume II, Gus Lloyd answers common questions to and objections about the Catholic faith – and in just a minute!<br><br>If you or someone you know has questions or misunderstandings about the Church's teachings on annulment, euthanasia, capital punishment, receiving Communion, the clergy sex abuse scandal and many other things, this book is for you!
In this easy to read 48 page booklet, you'll find one-minute explanations about what Catholics believe and why.<br><br>Using faith, reason and a healthy dose of Scripture, this book helps to answer common objections to Catholic teaching from non-Catholics and Catholics alike.