In this book, Marino Restrepo travels as deeply as he can into the heart of today's real Catholic Church. He explores the spiritual state of the Church in her relationship with God and with her God-given responsibilities. <br><br>The challenges to be faced are not simple and cannot just be left to resolve themselves over time. On the contrary, every single Catholic needs to become actively involved in healing the many wounds inflicted by the serious sins in the Church that have hurt millions of the faithful around the world.<br><br>Times are difficult and the very heart of the Catholic Church has been contaminated at many levels since the great cultural and sociological shifts of the 60's. <br><br>The author invites you to accompany him along his missionary path and to discover the true state of the spirit warfare confronting all Christians today.
La Iglesia Católica está unida íntimamente a todos los ciclos humanos a través de los tiempos. Esto no quiere decir que la Iglesia debe reflejar estos ciclos, sino por el contrario, debe permanentemente reflejar a Dios en todos los tiempos. En el ciclo presente estamos viviendo el triste fenómeno de una Iglesia Católica que refleja más las inuencias del mundo y no las del Espíritu de Dios.<br><br>â¨â¨En este libro el autor hace el esfuerzo por denunciar con caridad, muchos de los aspectos en que tanto el clero, como los religiosos(as) y el laicado en general, han caído y se han alejado de la misión evangélica que nos ha encomendado nuestro Señor Jesucristo por medio de sus apóstoles. Denunciar no signica acusar, ni juzgar, por el contrario, es la sangre del ministerio profético que recibimos con el bautismo.â¨â¨<br><br>La invitación a leer este libro, es para que fortalezcamos y concreticemos nuestra batalla espiritual por la defensa y conquista de las almas para el Reino de Dios.
This book is written to enrich the knowledge of Catholics about the wonderful gift of the mercy of God for souls. Who, on dying and appearing before the Divine Tribunal of our Lord Jesus Christ, without a perfect and holy preparation, are rescued from the punishment of eternal damnation and taken to live in a state of purification or purgation. Where, after passing through a trial by fire, they have the opportunity to enter into the fullness of the eternal glory of Paradise. <br><br>The first part of the book is a compilation of excerpts from the Councils, in which the existence of Purgatory is established as a dogmatic reality for the Catholic believer. The second part is a collection of testimonies of mystics and saints of the Church, who have left a valuable legacy of information on their experiences with souls in Purgatory and of their innumerable sufferings. They are useful to us as profound reflections on the responsibilities we all have in our preparation for the days we face after our death. The third part is a testimony of the author's mystical experience, which enables one to share the depth of his vision of the sufferings souls endure in Purgatory. <br><br>The essential message of this book is to present the infinite Mercy of God, which continues even after our death.
El autor de este libro le ofrece al lector la oportunidad de vivir una experiencia espiritual de carácter m’stica y de aguda profundidad en medio del dolor y las dificultades causadas por la venganza de un ex-socio colombiano, por asuntos de su vida pasada, los cuales lo llevan a una experiencia drástica y dif’cil tras las rejas de una cárcel en el estado de California, Estados Unidos, por espacio de 7 meses. <br><br>En un lenguaje sencillo nos invita a escuchar la voz del Divino Maestro dirigiéndose a su siervo en un momento de prueba y dolor.
The work that you are holding in your hands now is the result of a human life full of drama, mysticism and experiences that may seem certainly contradictory for those who are far away from God. In these pages you will find a human life intertwined in the most serious errors and dangers resulting from an existence that lacked spiritual awareness and was flooded with the mundane ambitions of a heart that always wanted to do good and was able do so only after great effort. You will also find the fruit of the author's encounter with his Creator; in it, God's mercy and forgiveness rescued a wasted life from the ashes of sin and transformed it into bread of evangelization for the whole world. You will also be able to appreciate the Gospel telling us as how God takes the fool to embarrass the sage. <br><br>Marino Restrepo never studied theology, neither was he educated in the religious sciences. However, during his life as a missionary, he has made possible for theology academicians and high-level ecclesiastic scholars to hear the simplicity of a Gospel infused in the author's heart by the Holy Spirit. <br><br>You are kindly invited to navigate through the paths of God's miracle.