Michael Reynolds

Список книг автора Michael Reynolds

    How to Build a Global Model Earthship Operation II: Concrete Work

    Michael Reynolds

    This booklet is the second in a twelve part series that walks the owner/builder through the construction of a Global Model Earthship. This installment covers the concrete and steel strength of the building, including footings, buttresses and bond beam. Photographs, diagrams and thorough explanations of procedures will guide you through the concrete work phase of the building. <br><br>With over 40 years of experience, Michael Reynolds has developed a &#39;living&#39; home that heats and cools itself passively, harvests/treats/ and reuses its water four times, collects its own electricity, and grows its own food. The Global Model, which incorporates the double greenhouse, is the culmination of years of experimenting and building with recycled materials. These booklets have been put together with input from the Earthship crew, who have built hundreds of these homes around the world.

    How to Build a Global Model Earthship Operation I: Tire Work

    Michael Reynolds

    This booklet is the first in a twelve part series that walks the owner/builder through the construction of a Global Model Earthship. This installment covers building the thermal mass walls out of tires, the thermal wrap, vent tubes, cistern installation and front stem walls. Photographs, diagrams and thorough explanations of procedures will guide you through the tire work phase of the building. <br><br>With over 40 years of experience, Michael Reynolds has developed a &#39;living&#39; home that heats and cools itself passively, harvests/treats/ and reuses its water four times, collects its own electricity, and grows its own food. The Global Model, which incorporates the double greenhouse, is the culmination of years of experimenting and building with recycled materials. These booklets have been put together with input from the Earthship crew, who have built hundreds of these homes around the world.

    La Navetierra Como Construir La Suya

    Michael Reynolds

    Earthships son un tipo de edificación autosuficiente que se mantiene al margen de las redes de suministros energéticos y que se considera como un edificio &quot;viviente&quot;, ya que interactúa con los recursos naturales de la tierra para proporcionar un refugio confortable que regula de forma pasiva su temperatura interior (sin necesidad de utilizar ningún combustible fósil), capta su propio suministro de agua y al mismo tiempo reutiliza cada gota recolectada cuatro veces, hace un tratamiento de sus propias aguas residuales y permite el cultivo y crecimiento de comida en su interior.<br><br>Este libro ofrece a los lectores la filosof&rsquo;a básica detrás del diseño de los earthships, y cómo estos edificios interactúan con la tierra para crear los sistemas que la caracterizan. Por otra parte &quot;Earthship Volumen Uno&quot; ofrece a los lectores instrucciones sobre cómo elegir el emplazamiento de su futura Earthship y también la forma de reproducir muchos de los métodos de construcción básicos que se utilizan para construir uno de estos edificios.<br><br>Este libro es un punto de inicio si usted está interesado en la construcción de su propio earthship, o si simplemente quiere aprender más acerca de esta innovadora forma de vivir.

    earthship WIZARDS: Part 1

    Michael Reynolds

    &quot;A Coming of Wizards&quot; is about finding and moving toward our potential. And it is the thinking from which the whole earthship concept has evolved. Based on Michael Reynolds&#39; experience with four wizards part one calls forth an appropriate state of mind from which to perceive the &quot;Wizard Information.&quot; In part two and three Reynolds moves beyond the human condition toward reaching our potential.<br><br>The Ebook version of this text has been broken up into three parts and for the first time we are able to offer 19 full color illustrations (illustrated by Michael Reynolds) included in part 1 of &quot;A Coming of Wizards&quot;.

    Engineer's Report: Seismic Performance Evaluation and Tire Construction Analysis

    Michael Reynolds

    This engineering analysis is a compilation of studies and calculations conducted between 1990 and 1993 by Thomas E. Griepentrog, P.E. of Buckhorn Geotech, Consulting Engineers and Geologists of Montrose, Colorado and Kenneth D. DeLapp of DeLapp Engineering in Santa Fe, New Mexico. This report is a thorough analysis of all structural aspects of the Earthrammed Tire Walls of the Earthship design by Architect Michael Reynolds. <br><br>This book also includes relevant parts (specific to Earthships) of a F.E.M.A. (Federal Emergency Management Agency) evaluation that researches many types of alternative building.