Bruce L. Taylor

Список книг автора Bruce L. Taylor

    The Word in the Wind

    Bruce L. Taylor

    The growing use and appreciation of the Common Lectionary (Revised) has stimulated renewed attention to the Christian calendar in its fullness and an enrichment of liturgical worship. In this volume, Bruce Taylor offers a collection of theologically rich, sacramentally sensitive, and biblically centered sermons for the Sundays and feast days in the first half of Year A of the Lectionary, featuring Gospel readings from Matthew with attention to the accompanying Old Testament and epistolary texts. Included is a sampling of sermons written as engaging stories, and a sermon presented during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Preachers will find here encouragement for their own homiletical observance of the liturgical year and ecumenical celebrations, and the mutual and intimate relationship between Word and Sacrament. All readers will find a thoughtful and stimulating resource for their own life of faith, witness, and devotion.

    No Business as Usual

    Bruce L. Taylor

    In this companion volume to The Word in the Wind: Sermons for the Lectionary, Year A, Advent through Eastertide, Bruce Taylor provides a collection of theologically rich, sacramentally sensitive, and biblically centered sermons for the Sundays and feast days for Pentecost and the remainder of the liturgical year commonly referred to as «Ordinary Time.» The compilation includes a sampling of story sermons and, in an appendix to the lectionary-based homilies, a sermon that was delivered at the invitation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) as part of the preparation for the denomination's General Assembly in 2008, challenging the church to remember and remain faithful to its prophetic heritage. Using the full range of Old Testament, epistle, and Gospel readings commended by the Common Lectionary (Revised), this collection encourages preachers to use the lectionary as an opportunity to explore homiletically the whole range of scriptural themes for their congregations, and offers all readers thoughtful reflections on living faithfully in regular engagement with Word and Sacrament.