Intriguing and eye-opening interpretations of the most scandalous Bible stories that are puzzling and even shocking, maybe not even worthy of being in the Bible. A serious and sometimes whimsical taking of readers into the most awkward and even repulsive biblical narratives to find answers to the difficult questions facing believers today. Here is an outstanding resource for young adults, Sunday school classes, and quest groups that will provoke real conversations about the Bible and how the faithful should be living their lives. These twenty-eight Bible stories, strictly for adults, would make great sermon material for the pastor who has the courage and wisdom to try. They surely are in the Bible for some important reason. You are warned to approach with caution.
It's the most important subject in Christianity. It reveals who God is, how God works, how we mature as followers of Jesus, and how we are to conduct ourselves in this sinful world. The subject is suffering. To explore it biblically and inspirationally is to identify the basic elements of a responsible Christian theology that's more than a set of pious abstractions. This subject forces us close to where we hurt, doubt, believe, and relate to our neighbors.
God suffers, Jesus cries. The tears of God are the deepest meaning of our history. God's «problem» is not that God is not able to do certain things, but that God loves. The cross of Jesus was in God's heart before it appeared on Golgatha. The pain of God is the healing of humanity. The cross, the worst of human doing and the best of divine revelation, clarifies that we must die to really live. We must share in the sufferings of Jesus.