Leaving room for doubt and mystery, this book addresses the question of whether or not God exists. The author draws upon life-long personal experiences and her graduate school days as a middle-aged, Protestant wildcard at Weston Jesuit School of Theology. After considering a theological problem, turnings of her heart, divine guidance, and earthly unbinding, she discusses images of God, God's actions, and dwelling in God not as dogma but as reflections in prose, poetry, and prayer.
Suitable for Advent or Lent, these meditations on pictorial images of light are navigational aids in the ascent to trust in the triumph. In a relatively late in life synthesis of her interests in art and religion, Sharon R. Chace explores art that evokes the light of a star, inclusion, forgiveness, caring, healing, speaking truth to power, transfiguration, and resurrection. Questions for individual or group consideration invite further reflection and discussion about the art and personal experiences. Living in the light is a way to participate in God-like healing love. Being lights in the world can help one another sustain trust in the implicit meaning of Christmas and Easter that is in the prologue of the Gospel of John (1:1-5). The Gospel writer concludes with a declarative sentence of promise: «The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.»
An Artistic Approach to New Testament Literature is a first introductory textbook for late high school or college students and would serve well in a freshman experience course. Historical criticism informs the background commentary. Biblical texts are described according to the formal art elements of form, line, color, and texture. Other artistic terms such as perspective and focal point are used to characterize biblical passages. Thought-provoking questions and art projects are provided for exploration in the foreground or in the world in front of the text. This book is a bridge between church and academy. If church leaders or teachers have questions for the author, they are invited to contact her through e-mail at [email protected].
My First Introduction to the New Testament is for young readers of middle school age who may cherish the presentation Bibles given to them when they were younger but wonder just how to engage with biblical literature. Church school teachers may want to use it for a yearlong class because most chapters can be covered in one session. College students and even graduate students will find this book an easy way to refresh and review.
My poems are about places on Cape Ann, in the wider world, and in interior places of mind and heart. I often write poetry about beauty as revelatory of transcendent meanings in nature, community, and intuitions of the divine. The introduction reveals my literary and religious connections to Lucy Larcom, a nineteenth-century writer who is most famous for her book of prose, A New England Girlhood Outlined from Memory and her book of poetry, Wild Roses of Cape Ann. For both my historical soul sister and for me, beauty is sacramental, signaling the Creator in creation. Beauty is beatitude infused. I invite you to contemplate with me. Perhaps our paths will converge. It is my hope that you will discover challenge, comfort, and even joy.