Set in the mystical kingdom of Iona, a young slave boy named Iskandar learns that he is the son of the King and Queen of Iona, once noble rulers who were seduced by the dark Lord Marduk with a promise of divine power. Iskandar discovers what happened to his family, how he was hidden from his parents by his uncle, the secret power he has that even his immortal parents are afraid of, and the obsessive determination of his elder brother Jakov to use him as an instrument of revenge. Iskandar must travel through forests filled with dangerous creatures, fight battles against impossible odds, draw on the help of a mysterious knight, and learn to use his elemental powers, all while being constantly haunted by the question of whether he really has the courage to confront and even kill the immortal king of Iona, his own father.
Michael Bird's commentary on Colossians and Philemon in the New Covenant Commentary Series pays close attention to the socio-historical context, the flow and dynamics of the text, their argumentative strategy, theological message, and the meaning of Colossians and Philemon for the contemporary church today. Bird situates Colossians in the context of Paul's Ephesian ministry and describes how Paul attempts to persuade a congregation in the Lycus Valley to remain firm in the gospel and to grasp the cosmic majesty of Jesus Christ over and against the views of certain Jewish mystics who have thrown the Colossians into confusion. He shows how, in the letter to Philemon, Paul intercedes for a slave estranged from his master through a carefully crafted feat of pastoral persuasion from a missionary friend of Philemon. The commentary combines exegetical insight, rhetorical analysis, theological exposition, and practical application all in one short volume. Bird shows Paul at work as a theologian, pastor, and missionary in his letters to the Colossians and Philemon.