By Good and Necessary Consequence presents a critical examination of the reasoning behind the «good and necessary consequence» clause in the Westminster Confession of Faith and makes five observations regarding its suitability for contemporary Reformed and evangelical adherents. 1) In the seventeenth century, religious leaders in every quarter were expected to respond to a thoroughgoing, cultural skepticism. 2) In response to the onslaught of cultural and epistemological skepticism, many looked to mimic as far as possible the deductive methods of mathematicians. 3) The use to which biblicist foundationalism was put by the Westminster divines is at variance with the classical invention, subsequent appropriation, and contemporary estimation of axiomatic and deductive methodology. 4) Although such methodological developments in theology might have seemed natural during the seventeenth century, their epistemological advantage is not evident today. 5) When a believer's faith is epistemologically ordered in a biblicist foundationalist way, once the foundation–the axiomatic use of a veracious scripture–is called into question, the entire faith is in serious danger of crashing down. In a nutshell, Bovell argues that it is not wise to structure the Christian faith in this biblicist foundationalist way, and that it is high time alternate approaches be sought.
In Inerrancy and the Spiritual Formation of Younger Evangelicals, readers are urged to pastorally consider their own spiritual responsibilities toward students by taking more seriously six representative critical discoveries that students tend to make during the course of their higher education. By doing this, it is hoped that leaders and teachers might become more sensitive to the reality that younger evangelicals are not generally «already» convinced of the Bible's inerrancy and may even be secretly and frantically searching for existentially workable bibliological alternatives. It behooves evangelical leaders as responsible shepherds of God's people to give their students the social and spiritual room they need to breathe by offering them acceptably orthodox alternatives for understanding the inspiration and authority of the Bible.