Baby Professor

Список книг автора Baby Professor

    Germs, Fungus and Other Stuff That Makes Us Sick | A Children's Disease Book (Learning about Diseases)

    Baby Professor

    Learn about the microscopic germs that make you sick! This interactive picture book will take you to the ultra small world of germs and viruses. Its purpose is to help you understand the origins of disease and what can be done to prevent infections. This book is definitely an excellent addition to your educational collection. Grab a copy today!

    Humans, Animals and Plant Life! Chemistry for Kids Series - Children's Analytic Chemistry Books

    Baby Professor

    Learn about humans, animals and plant life in this carefully created analytic chemistry book for kids! Let your child discover the wonderful of life on his/her own pace. These educational books are highly effective tools in learning because they encourage self-paced study. When you have this book around, you can be confident that your child is absorbing as much information as possible. Grab a copy now!

    From the Farm to The Table, Healthy Foods from the Farm for Kids - Children's Agriculture Books

    Baby Professor

    Learn to appreciate healthy food with the help of this wonderful educational resource. Here, we will discuss some of the most common farm produce and their nutritional value. The purpose of this book is not just to educate you, but to also shape your perception of what healthy food is. Hopefully, you'll start eating healthy soon!

    Amazing Armies | Children's Military & War History Books

    Baby Professor

    Knowledge is power. This history book will surely keep your kids informed about the momentous lives of our heroes as they fought through their freedom and principles. This Amazing Armies book will educate your kids about the good side of guns, bombs and wars. You may get your copy here.

    Prayers for Children Who Are Starting School - Children's Christian Prayer Books

    Baby Professor

    Knowing his/her letters and numbers are not enough preparations for school. In most instances, it is also important that your child learns the social skills of relaxation, patience, and self-confidence. These are oftentimes acquired through prayers and the Word of God. This Christian Prayer Book is a great place to start learning these essential skills. Grab a copy now.

    Stories of the Once and Future King | Children's Arthurian Folk Tales

    Baby Professor

    King Arthur is well known in folklore as a hero. He was a wise and brave king who defended his kingdom from all sorts of magic and evil. The stories of King Arthur have bonded together nations in mutual understanding of the values and lessons from his tales. Would you like to know some of the most popular Arthurian folk tales? Then read this book today!

    All About Africa! About All African States and Peoples

    Baby Professor

    Kids, welcome to Africa! This is a great picture book that will take you to the beautiful African states and meet the people who call it home. Learn about the sights and sounds of the place. See the animals roaming in the safaris. Learn about the place’s traditions and cultures too. Go ahead and grab a copy today.

    Supertoll Deutsch! | German Learning for Kids

    Baby Professor

    Kids are too young to get bored with learning languages. Keep them excited and eager to know more words and phrases with this Supertoll Deutsch edition created specifically for them. Don't’ be too hard on your kids, present them with a pressure-free but absolutely effective tool in learning German the right way. Get your copy now!

    All about Edible Plants in Your Neighborhood | Children's Science & Nature

    Baby Professor

    Keep your kids out of trouble and harm in their young age by teaching them the basics – which are edible and which are poisonous. This book aims to make your children street-smart and garden-smart! Complete with photos and descriptions, this book should make your kids identify the friendly and the harmful plants around them. You can buy it here.

    The Medieval and the Modern | Children's European History

    Baby Professor

    Just look at the big differences between the medieval and the modern worlds! There’s definitely plenty to learn and lots more to realize just by allowing your child to read this Children’s European History book. Don't worry because the smart use of images and excellent placement of texts will keep your child entertained in study. Grab a copy now.