With a no-nonsense approach and easy to follow directions, Janet Evans shares his experience (and recipes) for creating soaps from scratch safely and easily . Janet takes the reader step by step through the process of making natural soaps for family, friends, and for profit. Easy to understand and master. Soap Making Reloaded : How to Make a Soap from Scratch Quickly & Safely: A Simple Guide for Beginners & Beyond includes extended directions for first time soap makers, new recipes, how to make soap in small and large batches It also Includes tips and advice for how to cut and cure soap, how to sell your soaps, packaging and labeling, and how to set up at a craft fair or market.
Tapping is one of the fastest and easiest ways to address both the emotional and physical problems that tend to hamper our lives. Using the energy meridians of the body, practitioners tap on specific points while focusing on particular negative emotions or physical sensations. The tapping helps calm the nervous system to restore the balance of energy in the body, and in turn rewire the brain to respond in healthy ways. This kind of conditioning can help rid practitioners of everything from chronic pain to phobias to addictions. In EFT: EFT Tapping Scripts & Solutions To An Abundant YOU 10 Simple DIY Experiences To Prove That Your Mind Creates Your Life!, the book lays out easy-to-use practices, diagrams, and worksheets that will teach readers, step-by-step, how to tap on a variety of issues. With chapters covering everything from the alleviation of pain to the encouragement of weight loss to fostering better relationships, Janet Evans opens readers' eyes to just how powerful this practice can be. Throughout the book, readers will be provided with EFT tapping scripts to overcome top 10 fears they face in life.
This book depicts the wonder of the world of Whales in all its glory. Children are given a well-rounded understanding of this beautiful mammal: its anatomy, feeding habits and behavior. The following Whales are featured: * The awesome Blue Whale * The loveable Beluga Whale * The notorious Killer Whale * The endangered Humpback Whale * The shy Minke Whale * The loud Sperm Whale * The tusked Narwhal The pictures look great even in black and white and are excellent on the full color kindle. The description in the large text beneath is simple enough for early readers or for a parent to guide a child through. There are also picture captions that provide more information to talk about with your child. Alternatively, a child of any age (even the child in you) can just look at the images and appreciate its beauty. Enjoy!
This book depicts the wonder of the world of Spiders in all its glory. Children are given a well-rounded understanding of these fascinating creatures: their anatomy, feeding habits and behavior. The following spiders are featured: * The mysterious Black Widow * The dangerous Brazilian Wandering Spider * The shy Brown Recluse Spider * The deceptive Crab Spider * The fun-loving Jumping Spider * The beefy Tarantula The pictures look great even in black and white and are excellent on the full color kindle. The description in the large text beneath is simple enough for early readers or for a parent to guide a child through. There are also picture captions that provide more information to talk about with your child. Alternatively, a child of any age (even the child in you) can just look at the images and appreciate its beauty. Enjoy!
This book depicts the wonder of the world of Penguins in all its glory. Children are given a well-rounded understanding of this fascinating creature: its anatomy, feeding habits and behavior. The following penguins are featured: * The fierce Adelie Penguin * The comical African Penguin * The awesome Emperor Penguin * The strange Galapagos Penguin * The regal King Penguin * The beautiful Little Blue Penguin * The burrowing Magellanic Penguin * The bad-tempered Rockhopper Penguin The pictures look great even in black and white and are excellent on the full color kindle. The description in the large text beneath is simple enough for early readers or for a parent to guide a child through. There are also picture captions that provide more information to talk about with your child. Alternatively, a child of any age (even the child in you) can just look at the images and appreciate its beauty. Enjoy!
This book depicts the wonder of the world of Bears in all its glory. Children are given a well-rounded understanding of this fascinating creature: its anatomy, feeding habits and behavior. The following bears are featured: * The abundant American Black Bear * The shy Asiatic Black Bear * The endangered Giant Panda Bear * The silvery Grizzly Bear * The awesome Kodiak Bear * The sweet-toothed Malayan Sun Bear * The carnivorous Polar Bear * The unique Sloth Bear * The diminutive Spectacled Bear The pictures look great even in black and white and are excellent on the full color kindle. The description in the large text beneath is simple enough for early readers or for a parent to guide a child through. There are also picture captions that provide more information to talk about with your child. Alternatively, a child of any age (even the child in you) can just look at the images and appreciate its beauty. Enjoy!
SEA TURTLES: 101 SUPER FUN FACTS AND AMAZING PICTURES ( FEATURING THE WORLD's TOP 6 SEA TURTLES) This book depicts the wonder of the world of Sea Turtles. Children are given a well-rounded understanding of this beautiful creature: its anatomy, feeding habits and behavior. The following Sea Turtles are featured: Green Sea Turtle Hawksbill Sea Turtle Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle Loggerhead Sea Turtle Leatherback Sea Turtle Olive Ridley Sea Turtle The description is in the large text and is simple enough for early readers or for a parent to guide a child through. There are also picture captions that provide more information to talk about with your child. Alternatively, a child of any age (even the child in you) can just look at the images and appreciate its beauty. Enjoy!
SNAKES: 101 SUPER FUN FACTS AND AMAZING PICTURES ( FEATURING THE WORLD's TOP 10 SNAKES ) This book depicts the wonder of the world of Snakes in all its glory. Children are given a well-rounded understanding of this beautiful reptile: its anatomy, feeding habits and behavior. The following Snakes are featured: Anaconda Boa Constrictor Cobra Corn Snake Garter Python Rattlesnake Sea Snake California King Snake Milk Snake The description is in the large text and is simple enough for early readers or for a parent to guide a child through. There are also picture captions, which provides more information to talk about with your child. Alternatively, a child of any age (even the child in you) can just look at the images and appreciate its beauty. Enjoy!
SHARKS: 101 SUPER FUN FACTS AND AMAZING PICTURES ( FEATURING THE WORLD's TOP 10 SHARKS) This book depicts the wonder of the world of Sharks in all its glory. Children are given a well-rounded understanding of this beautiful fish: its anatomy, feeding habits and behavior. The following Sharks are featured: Black Tip Reef Shark Bull Shark Hammerhead Shark Great White Shark Lemon Shark Nurse Shark Whale Shark Wobbegong Tiger Shark Leopard shark The description is in the large text and is simple enough for early readers or for a parent to guide a child through. There are also picture captions that provide more information to talk about with your child. Alternatively, a child of any age (even the child in you) can just look at the images and appreciate its beauty. Do enjoy!
DINOSAURS: 101 SUPER FUN FACTS AND AMAZING PICTURES ( FEATURING THE WORLD's TOP 16 DINOSAURS) This book depicts the wonder of the world of Dinosaurs in all its glory. Children are given a well-rounded understanding of this fascinating creature: its anatomy, feeding habits and behavior. The following dinosaurs and pre-historic creatures are featured: Allosaurus Brachiosaurus Deinonychus Diplodocus Elasmosaurus Kentrosaurus Peteinosaurus Plateosaurus Pteranodon Stegosaurus Tylosaurus Tyrannosaurus Triceratops Velociraptor Spinosaurus Archaeopteryx The description in the large text is simple enough for early readers or for a parent to guide a child through. There is also a picture caption, which provides more information to talk about with your child. Alternatively, a child of any age (even the child in you) can just look at the images and appreciate its beauty. Do enjoy!