Stephen Cottrell

Список книг автора Stephen Cottrell

    Der Petrus-Weg

    Stephen Cottrell

    Viele «Neueinsteiger» im Glauben sind oft unsicher, wie es jetzt weitergehen soll. Die Aufforderung «Folge Jesus nach» wirkt oft unkonkret und überfordernd. Aber auch erfahrene Christen scheitern nicht selten an dem Versuch, ein vorbildliches christliches Leben zu führen. Stephen Cottrell räumt auf mit geistlichem Erfolgsdruck und macht klar, dass Jesu Botschaft eine Einladung und keine Last ist. Vier Wochen nimmt er den Leser mit auf eine Entdeckungsreise durch das Glaubensleben des Petrus. Nicht ein Held ohne Fehler, sondern ein Mensch mit verbreiteten Schwächen begleitetet den Leser einen Monat lang durch die biblische Botschaft. Petrus' Beispiel zeigt, was der Ruf Jesu zur Nachfolge beinhaltet – und dass vermeintliche Rückschläge zum normalen Leben eines Christen gehören. Dazu gibt Cottrell Informationen über Entstehungsgeschichte und Glaubwürdigkeit der zitierten Bibelstellen und führt den Leser zu einem umfassenden Verständnis von Altem und Neuem Testament.

    Let It Slow

    Stephen Cottrell

    Reflections for Sundays, Year C

    Stephen Cottrell

    Reflections for Daily Prayer has nourished thousands of Christians for a decade with its inspiring and informed weekday Bible reflections. Now, in response to demand, Reflections for Sundays combines material from over the years with new writing to provide high-quality reflections on the Principal Readings for Sundays and major Holy Days.

    The Pilgrim Way

    Stephen Cottrell

    This short booklet provides a contemporary summary of the essentials of the Christian faith for enquirers, new Christians and baptism and confirmation candidates. Written by the authors of the popular Pilgrim course, it follows the pattern of one of the most ancient teaching traditions of the Church: catechism. Originally a form of baptism preparation in the early Church, it explores Christian belief through a series of questions and answers – the way that Christians across the centuries have learned and taken to heart the core truths of Christianity.

    Striking Out

    Stephen Cottrell

    On a September morning, Bishop Stephen Cottrell said mass in his chapel, kissed his wife goodbye, stepped out of his front door and walked two miles to the nearest station. It was the start of a 700 kilometre pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.

    Choosing the least travelled route across northern Spain, he craved the solitude of the road and felt the small vulnerabilities of not knowing what each day would bring – where meals or a bed would be found – would be beneficial. As a busy diocesan bishop, he looked forward not so much to arriving at the great destination, but to what the journey itself would reveal to him.

    This is a spiritual diary of that journey, comprising reflections, prayer poems and evocative images from the road and poetry which Stephen Cottrell has written for many years. Arranged in four sections, each with seven paired reflections and poems, the shape of the book echoes the rhythm of walking and is an intimate and honest account of the profound effect of the age-old tradition of going on pilgrimage.