David Evans

Список книг автора David Evans


    David Evans

    Jeden Tag landen unzählige Tonnen von Nahrungsmitteln auf dem Müll, obwohl sie noch völlig in Ordnung und genießbar sind. Gleichzeitig steigt die Anzahl derer, die sich eine ausgewogene und gesunde Ernährung nicht mehr leisten können. Mit den Mitteln der Ethik, Soziologie und Humangeographie beleuchtet David Evans die Prozesse im Kreislauf der Nahrungsproduktion und der allgegenwärtigen Verschwendung von Nahrungsmitteln durch uns Konsumenten. Dabei zeigt er, wie Verschwendung zum festen Bestandteil unseres modernen Alltags geworden ist, warum überschüssiges Essen überhaupt in der Tonne landet und welche nachhaltigen Ansätze es gibt, mit wenig Aufwand diese Probleme zu lösen. So entsteht ein faktenreicher, aber dennoch leicht verständlicher Überblick über die negativen Aspekte unseres verschwenderischen Alltags. Und es wird deutlich, dass es gar nicht so schwierig ist, den Wahnsinn der Nahrungsverschwendung zu stoppen.


    David Evans

    Jeden Tag landen unzählige Tonnen von Nahrungsmitteln auf dem Müll, obwohl sie noch völlig in Ordnung und genießbar sind. Gleichzeitig steigt die Anzahl derer, die sich eine ausgewogene und gesunde Ernährung nicht mehr leisten können. Mit den Mitteln der Ethik, Soziologie und Humangeographie beleuchtet David Evans die Prozesse im Kreislauf der Nahrungsproduktion und der allgegenwärtigen Verschwendung von Nahrungsmitteln durch uns Konsumenten. Dabei zeigt er, wie Verschwendung zum festen Bestandteil unseres modernen Alltags geworden ist, warum überschüssiges Essen überhaupt in der Tonne landet und welche nachhaltigen Ansätze es gibt, mit wenig Aufwand diese Probleme zu lösen. So entsteht ein faktenreicher, aber dennoch leicht verständlicher Überblick über die negativen Aspekte unseres verschwenderischen Alltags. Und es wird deutlich, dass es gar nicht so schwierig ist, den Wahnsinn der Nahrungsverschwendung zu stoppen.

    Annual Plant Reviews, Plant Nuclear Structure, Genome Architecture and Gene Regulation

    David Evans

    This timely volume brings together expert reviews of the recent significant advances in our knowledge and understanding of the organisation of the higher plant nucleus, and in particular in the relationship between nuclear organisation and the regulation of gene expression. Rapid progress has been made in a number of key areas over the last five years, including description and characterization of proteins of the nuclear envelope and nuclear pore complex, novel insights into nucleoskeletal structures, as well as developments related to chromatin organization, function and gene expression. These advances open the way for new research into areas such as stress tolerance, plant-pathogen interactions and ultimately crop improvement and food security. Continued research into plant nuclear structure, genome architecture and gene regulation also enriches our understanding of the origin and evolution of the nucleus and its envelope. Edited by world-class researchers in plant cell biology, and comprising contributions from internationally-renowned academics, this latest volume in the prestigious Annual Plant Reviews series brings together a wealth of knowledge in the burgeoning field of plant nuclear structure and genetics. Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 46: Plant Nuclear Structure, Genome Architecture and Gene Regulation is a vital resource for advanced students, researchers and professionals in plant science and related disciplines. Libraries in all research establishments where plant science, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics and genomics and agricultural science are taught and studied will find this excellent volume an essential addition to their shelf.

    GIAC Certified Incident Handler Certification (GCIH) Exam Preparation Course in a Book for Passing the GCIH Exam - The How To Pass on Your First Try Certification Study Guide

    David Evans

    The GCIH Certification is for individuals responsible for incident handling/incident response, and individuals who require an understanding of the current threats to systems and networks, along with effective countermeasures. <p> GIAC Certified Incident Handlers (GCIHs) have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to manage incidents; to understand common attack techniques and tools; and to defend against and/or respond to such attacks when they occur. <p> This self-study exam preparation guide for the GCIH certification exam contains everything you need to test yourself and pass the Exam. All Exam topics are covered and insider secrets, complete explanations of all GCIH subjects, test tricks and tips, numerous highly realistic sample questions, and exercises designed to strengthen understanding of GCIH concepts and prepare you for exam success on the first attempt are provided. <p> Put your knowledge and experience to the test. Achieve GCIH certification and accelerate your career. <p> Can you imagine valuing a book so much that you send the author a «Thank You» letter? <p> Tens of thousands of people understand why this is a worldwide best-seller. Is it the authors years of experience? The endless hours of ongoing research? The interviews with those who failed the exam, to identify gaps in their knowledge? Or is it the razor-sharp focus on making sure you don't waste a single minute of your time studying any more than you absolutely have to? Actually, it's all of the above. <p> This book includes new exercises and sample questions never before in print. Offering numerous sample questions, critical time-saving tips plus information available nowhere else, this book will help you pass the GCIH exam on your FIRST try. <p> Up to speed with the theory? Buy this. Read it. And Pass the GCIH Exam.