It was an irrational decision. Despite having just moved into a beautiful new house, the Williams family gave in to an odd, overwhelming desire to purchase and move into a Victorian home they had come upon by chance. They were curious, of course, as to why the house had, in the past, had such a high vacancy rate – no one ever seemed to live in it for a long period of time. But that curiosity didn’t last long, because shortly after moving in, strange things began to happen. It became abundantly clear that the home’s past owners had all had a reason for leaving: fear. The Williams’ new home was haunted. At first, the family tried telling themselves there were logical explanations for the strange things they all were witnessing. But before long they came to accept the fact that they were sharing their home with ghosts. Haunted is the Williams family’s story from the point of view of the mother, Dorah. Through her chilling reminiscences, we witness the all-too-real goings-on in the house. And we join the family as they seek a way to bring an end to the paranormal events that were occurring with ever more frequency and intensity, and learn why the events began in the first place.
After sharing her own story in Haunted , Dorah L. Williams compiles first-hand accounts of the spiritual encounters of others. Upon writing Haunted: The Incredible True Story of a Canadian Family’s Experience Living in a Haunted House , Dorah thought her situation was unique. What she didn’t realize was how many others would relate to how it feels to be haunted, too. After being flooded by emails from people with similar experiences, Dorah began to realize this wasn’t uncommon at all. It seemed these paranormal happenings were universal – in all areas, within all age groups, and among all walks of life. So, Haunted Too came to be. Not only will it entertain the reader, as good ghost stories always have, but it will also help the reader to better understand this phenomenon, with the inclusion of shared experiences, opinions, and advice of professionals in this field. Whether fear-provoking or poignant, these collective supernatural encounters are directly quoted in their own words by those who have experienced them first-hand, and are enlightening as well as entertaining.