Qiwen Dong

Список книг автора Qiwen Dong

    Biological Language Model

    Qiwen Dong

    Conceived as a cross between natural language processing methods and biological sequences in DNA, RNA and protein, biological language model is a new scientific research topic in bioinformatics that has been extensively studied by the authors. The basic theory and applications of this model are presented in this book to serve as an reference for graduate students and researchers.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>East China Normal University Scientific Reports</li><li>Preface</li><li>Acknowledgments</li><li>Introduction</li><li>Linguistic Feature Analysis of Protein Sequences</li><li>Amino Acid Encoding for Protein Sequence</li><li>Remote Homology Detection</li><li>Structure Prediction</li><li>Function Prediction</li><li>Summary and Future Perspectives</li><li>Index</li></ul> <br><b>Readership:</b> Graduate and research level students in the cross disciplines of bioinformatics/computational biology.Biological Language;Protein;Bioinformatics0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>To the best of our knowledge, this is the first book about biological language model</li></ul>