Todd Huizinga

Список книг автора Todd Huizinga

    Was Europa von Trump lernen kann

    Todd Huizinga

    Es steckt den Europäern noch in allen Knochen: Der Wahlsieg von Donald Trump, dieser Antithese des Politikers, der mit politisch inkorrekten, provozierenden Sprüchen tatsächlich die Präsidentenwahl in den USA gewonnen hat. Europa wird da von einigen als Hort des Liberalismus gepriesen, Angela Merkel gar als letzte Bastion gegen den aufkeimenden Populismus. Doch wie sehr stimmen diese vermeintlich klaren Positionen? Können wir auch etwas von Trump als Chiffre einer neuen Zeit lernen? Der Autor, altgedienter US-Diplomat mit mehreren Stationen in Brüssel und Deutschland, teilt den Deutschen einige unliebsame Wahrheiten mit. Ein Debattenbuch, an dem sich die deutsche Öffentlichkeit reiben wird.

    The New Totalitarian Temptation

    Todd Huizinga

    What caused the eurozone debacle and the chaos in Greece? Why has Europe’s migrant crisis spun out of control, over the heads of national governments? Why is Great Britain calling a vote on whether to leave the European Union? Why are established political parties declining across the continent while protest parties rise? All this is part of the whirlwind that EU elites are reaping from their efforts to create a unified Europe without meaningful accountability to average voters.The New Totalitarian Temptation: Global Governance and the Crisis of Democracy in Europe is a must-read if you want to understand how the European Union got to this point and what the European project fundamentally is. This is the first book to identify the essence of the EU in a utopian vision of a supranationally governed world, an aspiration to achieve universal peace through a global legal order.The ambitions of the global governancers are unlimited. They seek to transform not just the world’s political order, but the social order as well—discarding basic truths about human nature and the social importance of tradition in favor of a human rights policy defined by radical autonomy and unfettered individual choice. And the global governance ideology at the heart of the EU is inherently antidemocratic. EU true believers are not swayed by the common sense of voters, nor by reality itself.Because the global governancers aim to transfer core powers of all nations to supranational organizations, the EU is on a collision course with the United States. But the utopian ideas of global governance are taking root here too, even as the European project flames into rancor and turmoil. America and Europe are still cultural cousins; we stand or fall together. The EU can yet be reformed, and a commitment to democratic sovereignty can be renewed on both sides of the Atlantic.